Watch This Totally Rad Documentary About Inline Skater Sven Boekhorst


Sven Boekhorst decided to tour some of Europe’s finest cities, but this guy’s not your average tourist. Because Sven’s luggage includes a production crew, cameramen, a photographer, his rollerblades and, oh yeah, an 80 kilo ramp. No big.

With just that light luggage in tow, off they trot to soak up London, Brussels, Paris, Barcelona and Berlin, taking in the sights and landmarks—and then performing epic tricks in front of them, because that’s how Sven, erm, rolls.

Check out the 30 minute doc below…

Kind of makes you wish you could join him on his next trip abroad. Maybe as chief rollerblade carrier?


Showcasing the cities environment from a new perspective


Sven Boekhorst is captured in his natural habitat, skating the streets and using this as his playground.


The Cityhopper. Destroys non-skateable spots with ease and finesse!


Set to a highly-energetic soundtrack mixed by DJ DNS, this short film is certainly a crowd-pleaser.


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