The Apollo 11 Moon Landing, Recut to Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: Space Odyssey


Time for a little fact, i bet you didn’t know it was the 45th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing yesterday (July 20th). And, while NASA may have grounded its fleet of shuttles, they do have a rover on Mars and most of us are still fascinated with the twinkling cosmos above. So to celebrate the epic event in history director Nick Acosta takes a moment to contemplate this heavenly glory while remembering the first time we put men on the moon, in a mash-up video that merges reality and fiction.

The film uses NASA stock footage of the moon landings and blends it with Stanley Kubrick’s sci-fi masterpiece 2001: A Space Odyssey, along with using the score from the 1960s classic to soundtrack the stunning visuals.

The result is an epic, reality-warping journey through 19th century classical music, 20th century space flight and timeless filmmaking.

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