Entries Tagged as 'movie'

Friday, August 5th, 2016

Honest Trailers Tears into the Watchmen Movie in Their Latest Video

After pretty much everyone (well, nearly everyone) savaged Zack Snyder’s Batman Vs. Superman movie, the people over at Honest Trailers take a piece out of his earlier superhero movie, Watchmen. Their criticisms range from the film being too jam packed with material that it feels like too much is going on, to Doctor Manhattan’s giant [...]

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Watch this Documentary On the Making of James Cameron’s ‘Aliens’

James Cameron’s 1986 movie Aliens, the sequel to Ridley Scott’s seminal horror from 1979, is one of the greatest sequels ever. It’s a different vibe to the first one taking it more into action movie territory, but it works so well. Cameron has said that sequels need to show familiarity with the original but also [...]

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2016

Watchmen—Adapting The Unadaptable

Alan Moore’s graphic novel Watchmen is, rightfully so, considered a groundbreaking comic book—together with artist Dave Gibbons they broke the mould when it came to comics, in terms of narrative, panelling, even the coloring by colorist John Higgins. All of it was carefully thought out to comment on the very medium it was created in.

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2016

The Evolution of Matt Damon in Film & Television

Matt Damon’s one of those actors who’s starred in so many films that everyone pretty much has their fav Matt Damon movie. His iconic career is celebrated in this compilation from Burger Fiction, who have compiled all his TV and film appearances showing how the actor has evolved on screen over the years.

Monday, August 1st, 2016

Batman v Superman: The Fundamental Flaw

If you’ve seen Batman Vs. Superman and were disappointed with it, and are wondering how Zack Snyder managed to make such a monumental f*ck up of something that could’ve been so good, this video might help explain. It’s by YouTuber Nerdwriter1 and it says that it wasn’t humor that failed Snyder so much, but his [...]

Saturday, July 23rd, 2016

Ripley From the Alien Movies Really Doesn’t Like This Guy’s Ableton Set

There are a couple of ways to piss off Ripley, the heroine from the Alien franchise—one of those is to be an alien xenomorph with acid for blood who murders all her crew, another is to do a crappy Ableton mix of Three 6 Mafia’s Ass and Titties—which is what happens here, and Ripley is [...]

Friday, July 22nd, 2016

‘The Donald’—Parody Trailer Imagines Trump as Hollywood Horror Villains

Donald Trump may be horrifying certain people with his lurch towards the White House but in this parody trailer he actually stars in some classic horror movies. From The Shining, Aliens, Scream, The Grudge, Silence of the Lambs and many more, Trump becomes a horror villain, even more terrifying than he is in real life.

Monday, July 18th, 2016

How to Smoke a Joint – Taken from Milos Forman’s ‘Taking Off’

This scene taken from MiloÅ¡ Forman’s 1971 film Taking Off has gone viral recently and it shows a support group for square moms and dads who meet to try and understand their kids who’ve run away from home. After being instructed in the best way to inhale they get to try it out and [...]

Friday, July 8th, 2016

Batcat Vs. Supercat Is The Purrfect Superhero Movie

Imagine if in Batman Vs. Superman instead of a 3 hour gloomfest fool of angst and some pretty awesome FX there was two cats fighting the good fight? Well it’s your lucky day because YouTuber Kaipotainment has turned super men into cats who have to stop Jokercat and his evil plans for the Barkham [...]

Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

Matt Damon Pull Hilarious Prank on People with a Surprise Bourne Spy Mission

As part of promotion for a contest for charity Omaze Jason Bourne (aka Matt Damon) phones people up at a shopping mall in Los Angeles and pranks them with pretend spy missions. These poor unsuspecting shoppers suddenly find themselves in the middle of a Bourne-type situation, not knowing whether to play along or cry, probably.

Monday, June 27th, 2016

The Onion Reviews ‘Independence Day: Resurgence’

The world’s greatest film critic, The Onion’s Peter K. Rosenthal reviews, Independence Day: Resurgence the upcoming sequel to 1996’s Independence Day. As Rosenthal so eloquently points out in this video the original film did so much for servicemen in regards destigmatizing the prejudices surrounding their wish to marry a stripper.