John Wick Gets an Honest Trailer and it’s Hilarious


Just in time for the sequel to the surprise hit, Honest Trailers have given us a hilarious look at John Wick. For one it points out that Keanu Reeves seems to have a penchant for playing characters called John, so far the count is eight. But it also pays him some dues for the fact that as an “immortal 50-year-old” he can kick ass as well as he could in his 20s.

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The Walking Deadpool—Walking Dead Recut in the Style of Deadpool Trailer


You might not immediately think that Deadpool and The Walking Dead go together well, but for some reason they do and this fan made trailer proves it. Both feature a lot of violence so they have that in common at least, and there’s plenty of gore on show in this, with Rick and the gang hacking and slicing their way through the footage.

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New British £1 Coin Features Incredible New Portrait of the Queen


It’s an exciting time for British people, apart from the economic fun and games that will be coming their way when Brexit is in full swing, they’re getting a new 12-sided coin. And not just any coin, but the grandaddy of coins, the £1 coin. The staple of the British identity and the very foundation of their culture.

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Adam Savage Builds a Custom NERF Rifle as a Secret Santa Gift

Adam Savages One Day Builds Custom NERF Rifle

Taking part in a Secret Santa pool means you could always end up with a gift that is total garbage, but there’s also always the possibility that you could get something really cool. Like, say, a custom Nerf rifle made by none other than Adam Savage. That’s what happened to Imgur user Anthony Johnson who signed up for the site’s secret santa and ended up with the best Nerf gun ever.

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Kayaking Down a Waterfall Covered With LED Lights


Whitewater kayaking is a sport that’s not without its dangers, but imagine attempting to do it in total darkness? That’s what pro kayaker Brendan Wells and his brother Todd did in the White Salmon River in Washington state, capturing all the action by covering their kayaks, paddles, and gear in LED lights.

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Does Donald Trump Even Know How to Read?


David Pakman from the David Pakman Show weighs up the evidence in terms of whether the POTUS can read, and it doesn’t look too good. From Trump’s ghost writer on The Art of the Deal, Tony Schwartz, who says he doubts Trump has ever read a book in his adult life. Even Trump’s advisors in the White House say he doesn’t like reading full reports and instead asks them to be condensed into one page or bullet points.

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Being Batman, a Look at the Real Life Batman


Batman to many of us is pure fiction, a guy we read about in comics or see on screen in various reiterations, but for one guy Batman is real and he roams the night in a city somewhere in the United States. This isn’t just some weekend comic-con cosplay, this is much more.

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Watch Flying Lotus’ Bizarre ‘Kuso’ Trailer


According to some reports the screening at Sundance for musician Flying Lotus’ debut film caused people to walk out because the film was so hard to take. The trailer alone is pretty creepy and unnerving, not enough to make you walk out of movie theater so it makes you wonder what other horrors the feature contains.

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Over 1000 Musicians Perform Epic Cover of Nirvana’s ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’


It all started out as a way to get the Foo Fighters to play a concert in Cesena, Italy and now it’s turned into the biggest band in the world. It features 1,000 musicians including singers, guitar players, bassists, and drummers and here they get the band back together for a concert which took place in July 2016.

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Apocalypse Now is Getting it’s Own Video Game Version


Apocalypse Now the movie is a classic, and its production, which nearly killed Martin Sheen and bankrupted its director Francis Ford Coppola, is Hollywood legend, and now the Vietnam set journey into the heart of darkness is getting turned into a video game and this is its first trailer, revealing the early prototype. The game has the blessing of the director himself and a bunch of gaming industry veterans on board.

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Awesome Homemade Massive ED-209 Robot


Remember the badass ED-209, Omni Consumer Products peachekeeping machines from RoboCop? Of course you do, it was a cooler robot than even RoboCop himself, although they’re not very good on stairs. Anyway, the guys at Ghostlight created a very large, very detailed ED-209 and it’s seriously impressive.

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