Watch ‘Before the Flood’ Leonardo DiCaprio’s Climate Change Documentary


Before the Flood, directed by Fisher Stevens, follows Leonardo DiCaprio over three years as he interviews people from all walks of life, both in developing and developed nations to find out what can be done to tackle the biggest threat to the planet and human life: climate change.

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Super Mario: Underworld Shows Us What Happens When Mario Dies


Anyone who’s ever played one of Nintendo’s Mario games will have died once, twice, probably a thousand times while playing. In this slightly creepy video by YouTube channel Nukazooka they imagine what happens when Mario falls to his doom while jumping from platform to platform.

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Behold this Meta-TED Talk Made Up From Other TED Talks


This video is so meta it’s a wonder it doesn’t rip a hole in space-time and suck us all into it. It’s basically a TED talk that’s been assembled by remixing and appropriating 15 different TED talks about remixing and appropriating. Like, whoah. It’s at once a little bit unsettling but also strangely hypnotic.

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Listen to a Stranger Things Theme and Childish Gambino Mashup


The theme song from Stranger Things was instantly iconic, even though it’s a pastiche of 80s synth soundtracks, as soon as you hear it you immediately are taken to the world of the Upside Down, Eleven, and the Demogorgon. It’s also a pretty badass tune in its own right, so it was only a matter of time before someone remixed with a rap song, which has been done here.

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Tarantino’s Cinematic Universe


Quentin Tarantino not only has a distinctive style in his movies, they also occupy a unique universe. In this video from Beyond the Frame they take a look at not only all the trunk shots, and the Red Apple cigarettes, but also the visuals and sounds—all of it goes to creating a world where everything is related.

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Doctor Strange Diagnoses the Injuries from Civil War in New Promo Video


You might not remember Dr. Strange making an appearance in Captain America: Civil War, because he didn’t, but that doesn’t mean that the events of the film were totally ignored by Marvel’s Stephen Strange. In fact, here he is giving his diagnosis about what happened during the superhero clash.

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Presidential Poetry Slam—Bad Lip Reading of the 2nd Presidential Debate


There wasn’t much fun to be had from the presidential debates, but that doesn’t mean to say you can’t have some fun with them. Which is exactly what’s happened here as YouTube channel Bad Lip Reading turns them into a poetry slam. Which is very good news if you didn’t like what was coming out of the candidates mouths, because it’s been completely changed.

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Tom Cruise Acts Out His Entire Film Career with James Corden


Tom Cruise has had a long career in Hollywood and, as infuriating as his Scientology ways are, it’s undeniable that he’s starred in some classic movies—in a recent episode of The Late Late Show With James Corden the pair reenacted Cruise’s career from Risky Business to all of the Mission Impossible films.

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In Britain’s Post-Brexit Future Zoltar Finds That, Yes, There Is Some Hope


We live in uncertain times, this much is certain. Times when no one it seems—not politicians, not your neighbour, not even your know-it-all work colleague—knows what Britain leaving the European Union will actually mean. Meanwhile, across the pond in the US they’re potentially facing a future with Donald Trump as president. Bleak times, indeed.

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Star Wars is Hilariously Reinvented in ‘Star Storm: The Destruction of Father’


YouTubers Auralnauts rework the story of Star Wars in a parody trailer where C-3PO is shifted front and center as the main protagonist and star. Re-editing footage from the prequels, original trilogy, even a cereal commercial, they reinvent the sci-fi saga into a 1980s sci-fi cheesefest.

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Shanghai Disneyland Has an Amazing-looking TRON Rollercoaster


The neon-hued world of TRON is one that would definitely suit being turned into a ride at a theme park—and that’s exactly what’s happened at the Shanghai Disneyland in the Tomorrowland section of the park. People get to sit on the iconic TRON lightcycles and whizz through a world inspired by the visuals in the Tron: Legacy movie.

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