Monty Python and the Holy Grail Recut as a Crazy Intense Drama


The Monty Python comedy classic from 1975 that reworked the King Arthur legend with absurd hilarity certainly wasn’t a drama—it mocked the tropes of dramas, but it wasn’t one. Now, in anticipation of Guy Ritchie’s reinvention of the myth in ‘King Arthur: Legend of the Sword’ coming in 2017, YouTube channel CineFix have recut ‘Monty Python and the Holy Grail’ into something much more intense.

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‘Kyle’s Mom’s a Bitch’ Sung Live at Berklee College of Music’s ‘South Park in Concert’


Here is a a fully orchestrated concert tribute to South Park produced at the Berklee College of Music and it’s a thing to behold, certainly. For one, the guy doing the Cartman impression is brilliant, possibly the best Cartman impression you’re every going to see or hear. He elevates the whole performance to another level.

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Watch Sneaky Zebra’s Dragon Con 2016 Cosplay Video


Sneaky Zebra have mastered the art of the cosplay video, capturing the costumed characters posing, pulling moves in slow-mo, and generally setting the bar for anyone else who wants to attend a convention and record a video while there. This is their latest vid which sees them at Dragon Con 2016 which took place in Atlanta with around 77,000 attendees.

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‘The Marvel Symphonic Universe’—Or Why Hollywood Blockbusters All Have the Same Soundtrack


Video essayist Tony Zhou turns his analytical filmic brain to the contemporary film score in blockbuster movies, and in doing so explores why man,y like the soundtracks used in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, all sound the same. Their soundtracks don’t have the appeal of John Williams’ Star Wars for example, they’re entirely forgettable. This is because, Zhou notes, Marvel like to play it safe when it come to the music, it needs to not outdo the action and the visuals.

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The Onion’s Movie Critic Peter K. Rosenthal Reviews ‘Sully’


Peter K. Rosenthal, greatest movie critic on the planet, gets his filmic mind into Clint Eastwood’s newest movie ‘Sully’ starring Tom Hanks—the film is about Chesley ‘Sully’ Sullenberger, the hero pilot who landed an Airbus A320 in the Hudson River in 2009 after a gaggle of geese flew into the plane’s engines causing it some trouble.

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College Humor Asks ‘Why Was I Tagged Last On Facebook’?


Even tagging people on Facebook doesn’t come without its own politics—for instance what to make if you find your name last on the list of tagged people in a photo from that totally fun night out. That’s the question College Humor asks in this sketch, which sees a woman fume as to why such an outrage has been committed against her.

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Guy Smashes World Record For Fastest Skateboard Speed Ever


US downhill skater Kyle Wester has shown he has balls the size of planets by breaking the world record for fastest speed on a skateboard. The previous record was held by Swede Erik Lundberg’s who last year reached 81.17mph. Wester smashed that record by hitting a speed of 89.41 mph, flying down the hill in what looks like a terrifying feat.

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Burning Man 2016 Hyperlapse Shows all the Weird Art in Under 4 Minutes


Every year in Nevada’s Black Rock desert the Burning Man Festival takes place, and along with all the people staggering around in the dust there’s also plenty of art and installations. These often take the form of weird creatures and they often shoot flames as well, for a kind of Max Max meets Alice in Wonderland vibe.

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The Best Dominos Pizza Prank Call Ever


If you want to cause Dominos Pizza chaos this is the best way to go about it—phone up on restaurant and place your order and then phone another store and put them on the phone. That’s what one mischievous prankster did to these two Dominos Pizza delivery places and hilarity ensues.

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Is this Very Weird Toy Channel the Freakiest Thing on YouTube?


Husband and wife Ethan and Hila Klein of h3h3Productions take a look at what Ethan claims is most definitely the weirdest channel on YouTube. He makes the claim quite a lot but after watching them watch a video from the channel of a guy dissecting a Jelly Belly Pet Rat Gummi with a scalpel and surgical scissors, you’ll undoubtedly agree. It will chill you to the bone when you watch a creepy guy with gloves cut up candy in a way that you know he’s enjoying way too much.

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An Honest and Very Hilarious Trailer For Gladiator


When Ridley Scott’s Gladiator arrived in cinema’s in 2002, everyone was blown away by it—it essentially reignited the epic historical drama type of movie, but made it a bit more action-based. Now, with the benefit of hindsight and also the benefit of Screen Junkies, we can see it for what it really was: the most well-executed pro wrestling story of all time.

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