Japanese Teen Brushes His Teeth Using a Gun


Brushing your teeth, it’s a routine morning and evening task that’s about as exciting as watching someone else brush their teeth. But this Japanese teen, known as tokioFN on YouTube, added some excitement to this boring necessity, by attaching a toothbrush to an automatic pistol to see how that works. And it works OK… ish—it’s definitely not coming to a chemist near you soon, but a person’s got to do something with their life, haven’t they?

Attaching it to a pistol is just the latest innovation in firearm evolution from this tooth cleaning boss—previously he attached a brush to another weapon, an automatic rifle, and it worked just as OK-ish. Well, he had all his teeth left after anyway.

And prior to both the above attempts, was the initial experiment below back in April 2013—which doesn’t really work so well. Still, good effort all round and well done for advancing dentistry beyond the electric toothbrush and into the realm of automatic weaponry.

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