Entries Tagged as 'holy f#ck!'

Friday, February 23rd, 2018

Watch Awesome Single-Take Short Film ‘Cólera’

Employing a variety of techniques filmmaker Aritz Moreno shoots this film in one long continuous take, as the camera moves about the cast and the scene keeping the action moving forward while racking up the tension. Right from the opening frame you’re pulled into it, wondering how it’s going to play out.

Monday, February 19th, 2018

How to Make a Weed Margarita

With Thanksgiving coming up you might want to make that family dinner more interesting by offering everyone a special pre-dinner cocktail. By taking the classic margarita and giving it some extra mellow buzz with a weed infusion. You can do this by pre-soaking some of your finest buds in your favorite tequila.

Thursday, February 15th, 2018

Exploring Korea’s Illegal Tattooing Scene

Tattooing is actually illegal in South Korea but that hasn’t stopped artists from setting up studios—however to practice it they need to have a doctor’s license. Plus getting a tattoo is a big taboo in the country and is generally frowned upon by society.

Wednesday, February 14th, 2018

The Hidden War Over Grocery Shelf Space

Amongst the shelves of the supermarket a hidden war is being waged, a war for shelf space—it comes down to what’s called ’slotting fees’ which are fees that manufacturers pay to retailers to get themselves on the shelves. Launching a new product onto the shelves of a supermarket can cost millions, and these fees are [...]

Tuesday, February 13th, 2018

A Multi-instrumentalist On the Acoustics of PVC Pipes

Nicolas Bras is a multi-instrumentalist who shows in this video that you don’t necessarily need expensive musical instruments to create incredible sounds. Bras explores the sounds and musical possibilities that can be created from raw materials, diverted objects, and recycled materials.

Monday, February 12th, 2018

The Controversial Rise of Blackpool Grime

When you think of grime music you usually associate it with London, but that doesn’t mean to say that’s all there is to it. In this 30 minute documentary from Noisey they look at the emergence of the grime scene in Blackpool, the seaside town in the north of England. But rather than black [...]

Friday, February 9th, 2018

Failed Actor Steven Toast (Matt Berry) Dubs a Gay Pr0n Movie in this Hilarious Clip

In British comedian Matt Berry’s sitcom Toast of London Berry plays a struggling actor called Steven Toast. Toast is middle-aged and would love to be starring in a sellout theatre show but instead has to make do with voiceover work. In this clip he has to do the dubbing for a German gay porn film—and [...]

Thursday, February 8th, 2018

Jackie Chan Hates Karate Kids

He may have starred in the Karate Kid remake, perhaps even because of that, but that doesn’t mean Jackie Chan likes kids. In fact in this mashup trailer he HATES them, hates them so much that he uses his many years of skills to kick the crap out of them—and it’s very funny indeed.

Tuesday, February 6th, 2018

The Hateful Thing—How Tarantino’s The Hateful Eight Was Inspired by ‘The Thing’

If you’ve seen Quentin Tarantino’s The Hateful Eight then you’ll probably think it’s an ode to Westerns—which is a genre it does reference certainly, but it’s actually got a lot in common with John Carpenter’s 1980s movie The Thing. This video does a brilliant job of showing how Tarantino takes inspiration from the horror classic.

Monday, February 5th, 2018

Crazy Downhill Skaters Going at Insane Speeds in the Alps

It takes a lot of skill to go down hill at these speeds and maintain your balance—it also takes a lot of guts too, because one stupid move and you could be tumbling through the air and end up with broken bones. You can see how fast they’re going because they’re overtaking cyclists as they [...]

Friday, February 2nd, 2018

Simon Sinek Rants About Whiny Millennials—Is he Right or Wrong?

In an episode of Inside Quest Simon Sinek, who bills himself as a thinker and influencer, lays in to millennials, starting off by questioning why they’re so difficult to manage. From there he blames their parents for failing to represent the real world accurately to them, and so making them entitled while also creating low [...]