Entries Tagged as 'music'

Friday, February 8th, 2013

The Harlem Shake v2

Get ready to get your meme on — In case you weren’t aware, the Harlem Shake is back with its version two point zero and this time it has added WTF factor. So go gather a bunch of your friends together in a room, make sure one of you has got a bike helmet on [...]

Friday, February 8th, 2013

Sivu – Better Man Than He (Official Video)

It’s not often you get to see what the inside of a singer’s head looks like when they’re belting out a tune, but that’s because you don’t often see them singing live inside an MRI machine. That’s what happened with this music video as James Page is filmed performing inside the machine so you get [...]

Wednesday, February 6th, 2013

Kypski – Scratch Now

If you like your music with lots of scratching and you like your music videos with lots of people taking their tops off, then you’re in luck, because this video has both of those things. It’s got a catchy hook too, so don’t be afraid to up the volume and throw those hands in the [...]

Monday, February 4th, 2013

Gangnam Style – PSY (Jayesslee Cover)

Although this video has the words “Gangnam”, “Style”, and “PSY” in its title, you’ll be glad to know it doesn’t feature any of the horse dancing or even the song as you’ve grown to know and hate it. Instead it’s a cover version sung accompanied by an acoustic guitar. You won’t be surprised to know [...]

Monday, February 4th, 2013

Dead Rabbits Presents: Barbarian Council “March of the Goons”

These aren’t the notorious Dead Rabbits from 1850s New York City who were fictionalized in Martin Scorsese’s Gangs of New York, headed up by Liam Neeson who’s swiftly killed by Bill the Butcher. If it was they’re looking really good for their age. But no, instead this is the notorious underground New York hip hop [...]

Thursday, January 31st, 2013

Bonobo: Cirrus

Cyriak’s latest visual mindwash is for Bonobo‘s track “Cirrus”, featuring 1960s public information film footage that loops along with Bonobo’s sounds building into a surreal crescendo of cascading imagery that will fry your eyes. It’s enough to send anyone insane with delight with its surreal structures, Escherian visuals, and spiraling machinations built from elements of [...]

Wednesday, January 30th, 2013

PSY – Flipbook STYLE GANGNAM (with audio)

It’s 2013 and Gangnam Style still hasn’t left us. But soon, soon it will. For now you’ll have to just jump right in and enjoy this flipbook version of the most viewed video in the history of eyeballs. I hate to say it, but it ROCKS! If you’ve been looking for this on Youtube then [...]

Monday, January 28th, 2013

Wendy’s Drive Thru Rap

It’s no longer OK to just pull up to a drive thru and order your food, now you have to do it in spectacular fashion, by rapping it or pretending a ghost is driving the car or while doing a handstand on the dashboard or some such craziness. At least it keeps the servers entertained [...]

Friday, January 25th, 2013

Jamie Cullum – Silent Sessions

A stripped back musical jam is laid down in this tranquil track from musician Jamie Cullum. Taking his song “Love Ain’t Gonna Let You Down” from “The Pursuit” album back to its bare roots, he needs nothing more than a piano and his voice to create an ambient and sublime rendition—part of Yamaha’s Silent Sessions [...]

Wednesday, January 23rd, 2013

Barack Obama Singing SexyBack by Justin Timberlake

The winning pop duo of the president and his vice president will make the ladies go weak at the knees at the news of them joining forces to bang out a rendition of Timberlake’s hit “Sexy Back”. Because if anyone can bring sexy back, it’s these two. Joe Biden’s pretty much made of sex, from [...]

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013

Equinox-A Rave New World (1994)

Ecstasy and rave culture are two old friends who go way back–without those little pills club culture wouldn’t have the history it does. In case you were there and so probably can’t remember much, this documentary looks at Es and club culture and how technology helps augment the experience of getting off your head and [...]