Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) isn’t probably something you’re totally familiar with, but that’s OK because this animation will teach you all about it in a way that won’t have you too confused. OK maybe just a little bit. The video was created for the Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research.
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Honest Trailers take on the blockbuster that started them all, Steven Spielberg’s classic movie about a great white shark terrorising a small town, Jaws. But they argue that the shark isn’t the real monster in the movie, instead that falls to the sinister Mayor Larry Vaughn—and they have a point.
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If there’s one thing funnier than somebody falling over unexpectedly it’s something suddenly breaking unexpectedly. And so it goes in this compilation that features everything from misused golf clubs to cars to TVs breaking. Sometimes it’s just funny other times it looks highly dangerous, all the times the people doing the breaking no doubt experience a moment of regret.
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Nicole Paris and her dad are both pretty damn skilled in the art of beatboxing, but like most things, it’s much more interesting when some rivalry is introduced, so they go head-to-head in a beatbox battle to see who comes out victorious. After dad kicks things off Nicole chimes in and it’s pretty much neck-and-neck, then it’s back to dad.
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Machine learning and artificial intelligence are subjects that will be of huge importance over the next 20 or 30 years, as intelligent computer systems and automation takes over more and more aspects of our lives. In this video from Computerphile AI geek Rob Miles looks at why AI won’t want you meddling with it and modifying its code.
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YouTube channel Veritasium looks at the illusory nature of truth, specifically about something called cognitive ease, which is the idea that we tend to prefer concepts that are both familiar to us and simple to understand. He also looks at how repetition plays a part in our understanding of what we believe to be true, using the example of the body temperature of a chicken.
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Back in July 1999 Billy Mitchell did the seemingly impossible, he beat Pac-Man by getting the perfect score of 3,333,360 points. It meant he had to complete 256 levels of the game and play for over 5 hours straight without dying once. It also meant he “broke” the game, because when you hit level 255 it runs out of memory and only displays the left side.
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The Dover Police Department have released the first in their new series called DashCam Confessional, and this inaugural video features Master Cpl. Jeff Davis busting some moves and showing off some serious sass to Taylor Swift 2014’s summer smash hit “Shake It Off”—he even got a shout out from Ms Swift on twitter for his moves.
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Comedian Ethan Klein from YouTube channel h3h3 productions took a trip to New York City’s Museum of Modern Art and was inspired to make a video showing people how, if they wish, they too can make some modern art. As well as demonstrating how you can become an artist (put something behind glass) the video also results in Klein’s own attempt, his red beanie.
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The video starts with a sweet little 6-year-old girl plucking away on her acoustic guitar, and you think it’s going to be one of those typical viral videos of a little girl showcasing her awesome guitar skills. But then, all of a sudden, her dad jumps into shot and starts shredding away proving how damn metal his solos are.
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Ouch. Owwww-ch! That’s going to be your main thought as you watch this video, wincing your way through other people’s pain. Pain that comes in a variety of forms and at numerous levels on the ouch scale. There’s a base level of general agony being experienced, sure, but of it some looks way more horrible than others.
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