Watch the Deadpool 2 Teaser Trailer


After the huge success of the first Deadpool movie, it was only a matter of time before Fox annouced that a sequel was coming. And the Merc with the Mouth movie has been more than confirmed, because it’s started shooting. Ryan Reynolds will be starring in it again, plus lots of new characters.

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‘Makin’ Moves’ – Trip Out To These Freaky Dance Animations


There’s some clever and cunning visuals going on in this video by animator Kouhei Nakama. The visual art director uses various techniques, generative and particle-based, to turn dancers into all manner of morphing, freaky images as they swim across the screen or become a type of Russian nesting doll.

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An Explanation of the Silicon Valley Title Sequence


There are a lot of great title sequences in modern TV shows, from Game of Thrones to True Detective. But none perhaps quite as stacked full of detail as the title opening for HBO’s Silicon Valley. Sure there are the obvious tech company logos but there are some incredibly subtle references too. You’ll never catch them all unless you pause it and go through it meticulously.

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Parents Give Their Kids Sex Advice


Things get as uncomfortable as you might imagine when Cut Video asked parents to give their kids sex advice. Some of the kids seem to be fairly OK with it, as much as you can be, others just can’t stop laughing, while one poor guy looks like he just wants to crawl into a ball and roll away and never come back.

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The True Story Of Andy’s Dad & Woody’s Origin


There’s a longstanding mystery surrounding Pixar’s Toy Story movies and that is just what happened to Andy’s dad? You often see Andy’s mom in the movie trilogy, but you never get to see Andy’s dad. Well now this video from SuperCarlinBrothers claims to have found out what happened to him, after the secret was revealed by Pixar’s Head Writer Joe Ranft to his friend Mike Mozart, a toy product designer.

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Ozzy Man Reviews People F#%ked Up By Bulls


You might wonder why anyone would want to put themselves in the path of a running bull, but in some countries it’s considered a sport. In case you ever considered doing it yourself though, this video compilation should put you right off. Although, there is comedic relief in the form of Australian YouTuber Ozzy Man adding some humorous commentary.

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Guy Gets Revenge on His Friend’s Crazy Girlfriend & Her Yelling


The guy who made this video has a friend whose girlfriend is about as crazy as they come. And to prove that, and also to teach the girl a lesson, he captures her having one of her psycho meltdowns on video. She even comes in the room he’s sat in with his webcam on, where his buddy is sat too. And she even hits at the boyfriend.

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Animator David Lewandowski is Back with More Weird CGI Dancing Bodies


Back in 2011 animator David Lewandowski released a strange but hilarious CGI video of a man walking down the street. It was called Going to the Store and the man wasn’t walking normally but was instead twisting and convulting his body in the most odd and unnatural ways possible. Lewandowski released a follow up in 2013 called Going to a Meeting with the same weird walking guy.

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Video Demonstrates the Awesome Fun of Virtual Reality Racing


Unless you’re wearing a VR headset it’s hard to convey exactly what the experience is like from just watching in-game footage of a VR game. But gamer Marcel Pfister has thought up an inventive way to replicate it in a video. He used a green screen to film himself playing racing sim Assetto Corsa in a VR headset, then overlaid the in-game footage in post-production.

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Guy Hilariously Calls in Sick to Job Where He Doesn’t Even Work


As prank calls go this one by YouTuber CanadianChestHair is inspired and hilarious. It involves him calling a department store, a department store that he’s never actually worked at, and pretending to call in sick because it’s a really nice day and he wants to spend it outside fishing with his friends instead of stuck indoors working.

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#WinterIsHere New Trailer for Game of Thrones Season 7 Looks Epic


Fans have been waiting a long time for season 7 of Game of Thrones, but it’s now not far away and fans will be even more eargerly awaiting it after the epic as f*ck new trailer which shows that some big ass wars are coming. There’s so much to get excited about in the new trailer, from dragons to battles with the White Walkers, to just the sheer movie-quality CGI on offer.

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