This Derpy Alex Jones is All Kinds of Perfect


Evil Ice Cream Pictures has done the world a great comedic service by turning right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones into someone who you don’t actually mind watching. And that’s been made possible by giving the totally batshit crazy InfoWars host a derpy makeover by taking away his nose. It’s hilarious and should be the default way Jones looks on the show.

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SNL Lampoon Donald Trump’s Press Conference in their Latest Cold Open


For one last time before he officially becomes POTUS Alec Baldwin and SNL do a skit featuring Baldwin’s Donald Trump, this time lampooning his recent press conference. And, of course, it also make many references to the leaked intelligence dossier that, among other allegations, featured a story about Trump getting prostitutes to urinate on each other when he stayed in a Moscow hotel when he was over there for the Miss Universe competition in 2013.

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Australian Lamb Advert Celebrates the Country’s Humor and Rich Diversity


Australians love having a BBQ and this new ad from Australian Lamb uses that as a jumping off point to showcase that, along with nodding to the many immigrants and nations who have gone on to make up their populace. It starts with a couple of modern day indigenous Aussies picking a spot to have a BBQ. “It will be packed before you know it.” one of them says.

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Fake Books on the Subway: Donald Trump Edition


New York comedian Scott Rogowsky is back on the crowded New York City subway with a new batch of book covers for fake books with hilarious titles. But this time they have a unifying theme, and that theme is political. And by political that means they’re all targeting president-elect Donald Trump.

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Watch the Trailer for Roger Corman’s Death Race 2050


Back in 1975 Roger Corman released his now cult classic movie Death Race 2000. The satirical movie was set in the year 2000 where America was under a totalitarian regime on the brink of collapse. In this dystopia the most popular sport was the Transcontinental Road Race, where teams earn points for the fastest time and for plowing down the most pedestrians in the process. Corman has now reimagined the film and is being released on 17 January 2017.

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‘Modern Educayshun’—How Social Media is Breeding a Reactionary Culture


‘Modern Educayshun’ is a short film from Australian filmmaker Neel Kolhatkar, and it takes a look at how social media is causing us all to perhaps not be any more reactionary, but allows us to post reactionary thoughts before we’ve had a time to consider the situation.

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‘The Art of the Heist’ is a Very Amusing Ocean’s Eleven Parody


Comedy duo Chris Smith and Jack De Sena (aka Chris & Jack) deliver a very funny sketch that parodies the slick heists found in movies like Ocean Eleven. It features a group of criminals who get together a squad to devise a plan to infiltrate a heavily guarded mansion, with each person bringing their own unique set of skills to the table as they plan it all using a scale model.

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Rick and Morty Keep Summer Safe, Nearly Destroy Humanity in the Process

Rick and Morty - Keep Summer Safe

If you’ve never seen Rick and Morty before then this clip from episode six of season two should sell it too you. It involves Rick telling his spacecraft to keep Summer, his grandchild, safe from harm—but when Summer refuses to talk to a paediatrician things quickly escalate out of control.

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Real Life Prosthetic Hand Inspired By Video Game


Several months ago Armatus Designs received a commission to create a functional prosthetic hand based off of the Phantom Pain hand used in Metal Gear Solid 5. This was for a client who was born without a left hand and grew tired of his standard claw style prosthetic, but didn’t want to shell out thousands of dollars for a motorized medical grade prosthetic. The goal was to create something durable, functional and useful on a budget. This is the result!

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Comedian James Veitch on the Agony of Trying to Unsubscribe


We all have those emails that we’ve been signed up to, emails from companies at products we’ve bought that clog up your inbox, even though you’ve tried to unsubscribe from half of them a dozen times. Comedian James Veitch knows exactly how it feels, and in this amusing TED Talk he talks about his attempt to unsubscribe from one such email.

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The Horrors of Traveling with a Brutal Hangover


The latest sketch from College Humor features comedian Zac Oyama who amusingly illustrates the harrowing and nightmarish experience of waking up with a hangover from hell, which is bad enough, but then having to catch a flight. Flying is not much fun at the best of times, doing so after a night of heaving drinking is just punishing yourself unnecessarily.

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