There is nothing so necessary as “unnecessary censorship” which is when Jimmy Kimmel uses bleeps and blurs to make it look like celebrities and politicians are saying something rude. When actually they’re saying something completely inoffensive. So, as 2016 draws to a close, Kimmel looks at the big TV moments and selects his best bleeps and blurs.
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Just because there’s a zombie apocalypse doesn’t mean Christmas has to suffer, goddammit! And the undead certainly aren’t going to get in the way of Rick making sure Carl has a Christmas he won’t forget. All your favorite characters from the series are here, trying to track down cranberry sauce, and get everything else needed for Yuletide.
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The scene in movie Love Actually where The Walking Dead’s Andrew Lincoln tells Keira Knightley he loves her via cue cards has already been mocked for being creepy. And now it’s used in a festive SNL spoof sketch starring Kate McKinnon’s Hilary Clinton who goes around trying to convince electors NOT to vote for Donald Trump, using cue cards to make her case.
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For some reason, probably due to safety, no one sells drones that can lift a human off the ground, so Casey Neistat decides to build one. He then dresses up as Santa and climbs on a snowboard and gets towed along by this powerful flying machine whizzing down, and up, the slopes.
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If you’ve seen Rogue One then you’ll know how badass Chirrut ÃŽmwe is, the blind warrior monk who was born on the moon Jedha. And even though he can’t see he still kicks Galactic butt while chanting his mantra “I am one with the Force, the Force is with me” as he strides into battle. Well, now we get some extra scenes of him kicking even more ass, in the form of his toy version.
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There’s no spoilers here, but then if you’ve seen The Onion’s head film critic Peter K. Rosenthal’s movie reviews before then you will know that. So don’t worry you won’t get any plot points revealed, instead Rosenthal gets fixated on moaning about a really hard Star Wars ‘Droids of the Resistance’ jigsaw puzzle he purchased and found very frustrating.
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The end of year is coming and so are all the end of year lists and roundups—which includes the annual look back that is Google: The Year In Search. The video, and the accompanying stats and graphs that go with it, look at what people searched for throughout the year. As such it’s a look over what the important and defining events were.
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In this short film ‘Quantum is Calling’ Zoe Saldana loses Simon Pegg’s cat in the quantum realm and then uses physics to get the feline back—but she’s not alone as she goes straight to Dr. Stephen Hawking for help, Skyping him to ask his advice on how to solve a quantum riddle.
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The Slow Mo Guys, Gavin Free and Dan Gruchy, follow up their recent Air Pistol Competition by recreating the classic soccer ball to the face video, but this time they do it 1000x slower than before. It works because, well, if you could convince a buddy to take a soccer ball to the face so you could film it in ultra slow mo, you most certainly would.
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The press tour for Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt’s new movie Passengers is in danger of becoming more entertaining than the movie itself. After Pratt has been trolling Lawrence on social media by cropping her out of their press photos and a talk show appearance where Pratt demonstrated his card trick, there’s now this.
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Saturday Night Live opened recently with a sketch that surprised everyone by bringing back former host Bryan Cranston, playing one of his most beloved and recognisable characters, Walter White (or Heisenberg) from Breaking Bad. In the sketch White plays a new cabinet appointee of President-elect Donald Trump.
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