President Barack Obama is on back on Jimmy Kimmel’s show for a second presidential edition of the always amusing ‘Mean Tweets’ segment. In which Kimmel asks famous people to read out the, frankly, awful things people say on Twitter about them—obviously not thinking that person would ever read it out on a TV show.
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If you watched Netflix’s Stranger Things you probably come away from season one with a whole load of questions. Like, will Eleven return? What’s with the Demogorgon? How the heck does the Upside Down work? What the f*ck is Hopper up to? When’s Stranger Things Season Two going to start? And what’s going on with those slug things living inside Will?
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The Gregory Brothers, who remix the news, have teamed up with comedy music genius “Weird Al” Yankovic for this very funny musical remix of the third and final 2016 presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. In this version of the debate a wormhole opens up to another universe and ‘Weird Al’ Yankovic gets sucked through it to moderate in the key of Bb minor.
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It’s taken a while but this is comedian Chris Capel’s follow up to his very funny 2013 video Living With Jigsaw, which as the title suggests was a sketch about what it’s like to have Jigsaw as a roommate. In this hilarious sequel Capel leaves the home and ponders what it might be like to to work with the villainous Jigsaw from the Saw movies.
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The Walking Dead’s character Carol Peletier has been one of the most intriguing on the show. Starting out as a timid and bullied wife she rose to become a hardass zombie slayer who wasn’t afraid to take out the odd human too when the situation demanded it. Her story arc, which has now seen her come full circle and doesn’t want to kill any more, ensured she’s become a fan favorite.
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Adam Schleichkorn (aka Mylo the Cat) has been making mashups with kids’ TV characters and rap icons for some time now, turning Barney the purple dino into Biggie, or having the cast of Sesame Street sing the Beastie Boys. Now he’s created a mashup with a female lead, so we get Miss Piggy as Lauryn Hill singing ‘Doo-Wop (That Thing).’
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Remix artist Pogo is famed for taking snippets and sounds from Disney movies and TV shows and turning them into melodious music. Now he’s paid tribute to Star Trek: The Next Generation’s Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Data in a musical medley that Worf would even enjoy.
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Those lewd comments Donald Trump made about women on the Access Hollywood bus get a Family Guy spin as the animation mocks Trump’s derogatory remarks. The clip is taken from a recent episode which replayed the actual audio of the incident, but with the addition of Peter Griffin replying to Trump’s comments.
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It’s no secret that the POTUS likes sci-fi and that he’s a full fledged Trekkie—he was also recently guest editor for WIRED magazine and as part of that he had a chat with WIRED editor in chief Scott Dadich and MIT Media Lab director Joi Ito where they discussed the original Star Trek series and what it reveals about our common humanity.
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R&B singer and XO artist The Weeknd recently released the second music video off of his new project Starboy, and it’s very violent indeed. Coming off like a scene from GTA V it follows the singer and his gang as they undertake a bank heist, which sees them turn on each other and go on the rampage.
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Rogue One is back with it’s latest trailer, and the Auralnauts are back with Kylo Ren talking over it. The parody video shows the petulant villain from Star Wars: The Force Awakens watching the trailer and then reacting to what he’s seeing. And he appears to get quite annoyed with it all, wondering how the Empire managed to mess it up so bad when they had the Death Star and all those cool weapons.
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