Netflix’s Stranger Things was full of mysteries and there’s quite a few that still need explaining in season two. Saturday Night Live can’t wait around until it airs though, so instead they tackle some of them, mysteries like where the hell are Lucas’ parents? Well, we finally get to meet them.
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The Walking Dead is back on TV very soon and with it the revelation of who Negan killed with his bat Lucille—until that day comes you can enjoy this tribute song to this long-awaited character, whose full time appearance on the show will no doubt herald a whole new era of horribleness for Rick and his gang.
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As Donald Trump descends deeper and deeper into unelectability (hopefully) Saturday Night Live has become the best place to skewer him—From the most recent episode Alec Baldwin stars again as Donald Trump to interrupt, how else, an encore presentation of the vice presidential debate between Tim Kaine (Mikey Day) and Mike Pence (Beck Bennett).
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In his Weird Trailers series Italian VFX artist Aldo Jones takes trailers for popular blockbuster movies, and adds his own unique spin to them. That unique spin usually means adding in lots and lots of strange and ridiculous visual effects, gags, and sounds—which he’s done in abundance to the recent trailer for the the upcoming Star Wars film, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.
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You can always rely on Youtube channel Bad Lip Reading to provide some laughs, even when what you’re laughing at is quite tragic, like Donald Trump’s performance in the first presidential debate. In this video the clips of both Trump and Clinton get hilariously dubbed over resulting in something far more entertaining than the original debate.
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You have to feel sorry for Jackie in this video who works in the returns department at a sex toy warehouse, meaning her day-to-day interactions are generally with used sex toys. It’s no surprise that she wears gloves then. She also gets to read people’s reasons for returning their objects of desire. Oh my. The video also features the people who work, with a straight face, in customer services for this sex toy seller.
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Pulp Fiction, as anyone who’s seen it will know, features quite a few swear words. This video has edited them all together in one hilarious montage from Tim Roth’s opening “I’m through doin’ that shit” all the way through to Samuel L. Jackon’s closing “That sh*t ain’t the truth.” Along the way there are plenty of utterances of f*ck, sh*t, and b*tch—the way they’re all edited together like this makes them sound like some kind of demented poetry.
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OK so this isn’t a quick watch, at one hour and 45 minutes it’s going to need you to set some time aside, but it’ll be worth it because this isn’t a straight up review of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Instead it’s an assessment of the entire contemporary film industry and the entire Star Wars saga. That’s not to say Plinkett doesn’t pick out the good and bad from the movie, but he also covers much more.
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If anyone can find out who it was who hacked Leslie Jones then it surely has to be Mr. Robot, hacker extraordinaire. Jones, Ghostbusters and SNL star, was hacked over the summer and so she does what any SNL star would do, she makes light of what happened by doing a skit bout it.
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Stranger Things was already a tribute to all things 1980s so it was crying out for someone to turn it into an 8-bit video game. And that’s exactly what the guys over at CineFix have done, taking the upside down and Eleven and everything else and making it pixelated. It’s the perfect homage to a show that is one big homage.
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It’s often said we’re living through a golden age of TV, one which stretched back to shows like The Sopranos and is still going strong now with Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, and the upcoming Westworld to name but a few. But as well as the shows it’s also been a golden age of TV title sequences. From the iconic Mad Men titles to True Detective’s first season.
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