The Biblical Ten Commandments obviously have their place in many people’s lives but maybe, with the omnipresence of technology these days, it’s time for an update. College Humor have constructed an updated version in this very funny sketch. Along with some amusing examples, it actually makes some interesting additions, like “Thou Shall Not Share an Article That Thou Only Read The Headline Of.”
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Driveclub VR will be coming out for PlayStation VR later this year and the first gameplay footage emerged recently. The PS4 game that is now getting a VR immersive version is hugely anticipated and Dave from PlayStation Access gets to try it out in this video, testing his skills on the track and using the responsive racing wheel while wearing his headset.
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In this fan made short film we follow the life of a stormtrooper, right from when he signs up to fight as an imperial soldier leaving behind his beloved and his home planet. It then tracks his time in the Galactic Empire, showing the horrors he witnesses during his time at war—he even bears witness to Luke Skywalker’s Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru getting killed—while his narration details what drives him to continue.
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American band Pomplamoose have a new live album out and to celebrate they have released this live recording of their awesome cover of ‘Telephone’ by Lady Gaga. You may have been wondering what the heck has happened to Pomplamoose since they haven’t realised much in a while. Well all is explained at the end of the video.
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Seen in it’s final form like this, PES’ Human Skateboard video is nothing short of impressive, but watching it also makes you consider the amount of effort and time that must have gone into creating it. Plus what the poor guy who plays the part of the human skateboard had to endure, but looking at the finished result it was all well worth it.
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Director Antonio Maria Da Silva has created a bathroom-themed spin off of his awesome Hell’s Club series. Like the previous instalments it features a fictitious night club, Hell’s Club, which has been created by editing together badass characters and scenes from iconic movies. It’s a world where Arnie’s Terminator hangs out in the same place as Al Pacino’s Carlito Brigante.
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Portland artist Stefan Nadelman gives a psychedelic take on the surf video with his video ‘Waveforms’ which adds a layer of fractal weirdness to shots of people surfing. By adding in some mirroring and waveform editing techniques and changing the color tones, the 3 minute clip is a trippy look a waveforms.
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Rejection isn’t necessarily something to laugh about, but sometimes it helps to laugh away all the pain. And that’s what Brian Jordan Alvarez does in this hilarious video that accurately but comedically shows the sense of worthlessness that comes when you’re gay and you get turned down by a hot guy.
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Thor didn’t show up in ‘Captain America: Civil War’ to take sides, but if you were wondering where he was then look no further than this amusing short. Shown at the 2016 San Diego Comic-Con by Thor: Ragnarok director Taika Waititi the clip teased what the Asgardian prince got up to during the events of Iron Man and Captain America duking it out.
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Everything you thought you knew about cats is explained in this video, like why they always land on their feet, why it lifts its tail when you pet it, the frequency which purrs occur and a whole bunch of other info. It tells you pretty much everything you need to know, except of course why we’re all so goddamn obsessed with them all. Not even the might of science can help explain that.
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If you’re in a hurry to get the day job done and move on to party time, then take inspiration from these people—people who have mastered the art of doing things in a hurry, who are not just quick at doing their work but are like lightening when it comes to getting the job done.
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