h3h3Productions Looks at Why Facebook Content is so Terrible


If you thought some YouTube content was the dregs of the internet, then you obviously haven’t seen the worst Facebook has to offer—and you can probably be grateful that you haven’t. That won’t stop you from enjoying this video from h3h3Productions where comedian Ethan Klein tears into the content the social media site has to offer.

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Hedberg — A Bionic Hand Made from a Keurig Coffee Maker


Evan Booth is a guy who’s got some talent and if you wondered just what that talent is then look no further than his creation called Hedberg. Hedberg is a fully working bionic hand that’s been made entirely from parts of a Keurig K350 Coffee Maker that Booth took apart and re-appropriated. It took him around 200 hours to complete this insane project.

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The Beatles’ ‘You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away’ Music Video Minus the Music


YouTuber Mario Wienerroither has been taking famous music videos throughout pop culture history and taking out the music for quite some time. In place of the well-known songs he puts his own sound effects, usually quite awkward and stilted like feet shuffling, some murmuring and coughing. That kind of thing, and it’s pretty much always hilarious.

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Prop Wars Sees Geeky Battles With Sci-Fi TV & Movie Weapons


Sneaky Zebra have gone full-on nerd in their latest video Prop Wars: Prop Harder which sees three guys do battle with a huge variety of props from all the very best nerdy film and shows. If you’re a fan of sci-fi and fantasy you’re going to recognise a whole host of this arsenal and the references too.

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Thug Life Cats—These Two Felines in Wigs Look Totally Gangsta


Who knew, but it turns out if you put the Sphynx breed of cat, that hairless breed, in the right hat with the right wig, then play Wu-Tang Clan’s track ‘C.R.E.A.M.’ over the top and slow down the footage, they look totally gangsta. That’s what YouTuber Iain Holmes has done and the result is thug life to the max.

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Inappropriate Moments in James Bond Movies


James Bond, as well as being a secret agent, is also known as a man who is fond of women. Yet his treatment of them isn’t necessarily always respectful. After watching the scene in the latest Bond movie Spectre which sees Daniel Craig’s Bond bed and then abandon a widow on the day of her husband’s funeral, YouTuber FunWithGuru decided to make this compilation.

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What If If Sex Was Like The Call of Duty Video Games?


There’s probably a lot of people who wish it was so, and also probably a lot of people who play CoD more than they have sex. But this video imagines what it would be like if a couple got together to make the beast with two backs and it played out just like a video game, from selecting an outfit to radioing in for some condoms.

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Honest Trailers Tears into the Watchmen Movie in Their Latest Video


After pretty much everyone (well, nearly everyone) savaged Zack Snyder’s Batman Vs. Superman movie, the people over at Honest Trailers take a piece out of his earlier superhero movie, Watchmen. Their criticisms range from the film being too jam packed with material that it feels like too much is going on, to Doctor Manhattan’s giant CGI schlong constantly being on screen.

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Watch this Documentary On the Making of James Cameron’s ‘Aliens’


James Cameron’s 1986 movie Aliens, the sequel to Ridley Scott’s seminal horror from 1979, is one of the greatest sequels ever. It’s a different vibe to the first one taking it more into action movie territory, but it works so well. Cameron has said that sequels need to show familiarity with the original but also be different enough to not just be a remake.

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Epic Stop Motion Superfight From Corridor Digital


Stop motion fighting videos are nothing particularly new, but this one from Corridor Digital is seriously impressive in its execution. The FX wizards said they wanted to make a video where they could control gravity, and they realised they could do this if they turned things sideways—as stated the results are very good indeed.

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Watchmen—Adapting The Unadaptable


Alan Moore’s graphic novel Watchmen is, rightfully so, considered a groundbreaking comic book—together with artist Dave Gibbons they broke the mould when it came to comics, in terms of narrative, panelling, even the coloring by colorist John Higgins. All of it was carefully thought out to comment on the very medium it was created in.

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