‘How To Clickbait’—All You Need to Know About the Horror That is Clickbait


It seems you can’t go anywhere online these days without finding clickbait, everyone seems to be at it. The problem is, while it may work for publishers it drives most people crazy having to see so many titles teasing you to come click the link and check out the article. Still, if you did want to give it a go, YouTuber RLSD explains how it all works.

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TRANSformers—Megatron Discovers He’s Really a Woman


In this amusing animation from Flashgitz, Megatron the leader of the Decepticons finds out that actually he’s a woman, or whatever female Decepticons are called. It’s a far cry from the innocence of the TV cartoon show you’ll remember from the 80s as a kid, but as a hilarious and entirely unsuitable spoof it’s very entertaining indeed.

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Prankster Dresses as Nerd and Freestyle Raps for Strangers in the Street


Big Daws from YouTube channel BigDawsTV takes to the street as his nerd persona Ernie and freestyle raps for strangers. Because of his disarming appearance people obviously think he can’t rap for anything, but then he busts out his rhymes and, well, people are very impressed.

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Leading EU Lawyer Weighs Up the UK’s Position in Wake of Brexit


If you live in the UK you’ll be acutely aware that in the lead up to the referendum on whether to leave the European Union there was a lot of misinformation flying about. From both sides. One of the most fact-based and measured outlooks was by EU lawyer Professor Michael Dougan.

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Meet the McDonalds—Ronald McDonald Goes Home to Visit His Family in this Very Violent Short


If you’ve ever seen one of RackaRacka’s, filmmaking brothers Danny & Michael Philippou, videos you’ll know how incredibly violent they are—you might also know that they often feature a twisted, sick, loony version of Ronald McDonald. And that’s who features in this video, as he goes home to see his dying grandma and get her to give him the secret cheeseburger recipe she’s been harboring.

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Batcat Vs. Supercat Is The Purrfect Superhero Movie


Imagine if in Batman Vs. Superman instead of a 3 hour gloomfest fool of angst and some pretty awesome FX there was two cats fighting the good fight? Well it’s your lucky day because YouTuber Kaipotainment has turned super men into cats who have to stop Jokercat and his evil plans for the Barkham Asylum.

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Jordan Peele Recreates The Infamous 1987 Drunk James Brown Interview


In 1987 just after being released on bail for charges of assaulting his wife with a lead pipe and firing a gun at a car she was in, James Brown did a bizarre interview on CNN. He seemed to be drunk or high or completely out of his mind on something, singing, interrupting questions, making lewd comments and generally acting very erratic.

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Rabbits Multiply to Become Billions in Cyriak’s Latest Weird Animation


British animator Cyriak’s latest video features bunny rabbits—lots and lots and LOTS of bunny rabbits. We all know rabbits are known for their ability to multiple quickly but you’ve never seen anything like this before, as they mutate seemingly infinitely until everything is just rabbits.

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Matt Damon Pull Hilarious Prank on People with a Surprise Bourne Spy Mission


As part of promotion for a contest for charity Omaze Jason Bourne (aka Matt Damon) phones people up at a shopping mall in Los Angeles and pranks them with pretend spy missions. These poor unsuspecting shoppers suddenly find themselves in the middle of a Bourne-type situation, not knowing whether to play along or cry, probably.

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Cats Review—Everything You Ever Needed to Know About Felines


YouTuber Garcatch is undertaking the ambitious and admirable task of reviewing every species of pet, all 8.7 million of them, by 2088—so when your child bothers you to get a new animal in the family home or you yourself decide you want something to look after, this will be your go-to source.

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Watch a Guy Perform Insane Stringless Yo-Yo Tricks


Derek Muller from Veritasium introduces yo-yo badass Ben Conde and his amazing and mind-blowing stringless yo-yo tricks. They truly are something to behold, but it goes one better than that because Muller also explains the physics behind what we’re seeing.

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