Don’t worry there aren’t any spoilers here as The Onion’s head film critic, Peter K. Rosenthal talks about Pixar’s latest animated feature and sequel to 2003’s Finding Nemo, Finding Dory. For Rosenthal the movie works as the perfect demonstration of how society’s failure to care for the mentally disabled places an unbearable burden on the family and friends of those afflicted.
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You might not think there was a direct link between the behavior of wolves and the behavior of rivers, but there is. At least, there is when wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park in the United States. The wolves had been absent from the park for nearly 70 years, and when they were brought back a strange “trophic cascade” occurred.
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Richard Hendricks from Silicon Valley stars in this strange and very dark sci-fi movie written, which bizarrely is written by a machine. AI researcher from New York University Ross Goodwin teamed up with director Oscar Sharpe to produce the short film. The script was made by a feeding a “recurrent neural network” (nicknamed Benjamin) with loads of science fiction film scripts, including Interstellar , Men In Black and The Matrix.
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You’ll probably have no idea what’s going on in this video but it doesn’t matter you’ll still be hyped to the max. Because it’s the new project, called Death Stranding, for the PS4 from legendary game designer Hideo Kojima, former president of Konami Digital Entertainment, creator of some highly praised video games, including the Metal Gear series.
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James Corden takes on Kevin Hart for a heated rap battle for the ages where nothing is off the table. Which means the two trade verbal blows and insults as part of The Late Late Show’s “Drop the Mic” rap battle series. So Corden went for the obvious and attacked Hart’s small stature—and he really didn’t hold back either.
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The danger of this video is that it’s likely to make you want to dress up in lycra and dance around your neighborhood like a crab. Because that’s exactly what these two guys do with Aha’s 80s classic ‘Take on Me’ playing over the top. Much like ‘Eye of the Tiger’ is a song to inspire people, this is in that exact category too.
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YouTube user Alex Luthor mashes together various clips from the films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and beyond, including the X-Men movies, to imagine what a movie version of the Marvel: Ultimate Alliance video game would look like. And so seamless is Luthor’s editing skills that you’d be forgiven for thinking this was actually real.
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The uncensored ‘South Park: The Fractured But Whole’ trailer is out for the upcoming role-playing video game and sequel to Ubisoft’s ‘South Park: The Stick of Truth.’ It comes from South Park’s creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone so it’s full of their offensive humor that makes the show so awesome. The game sees the gang create their own superhero team to create a billion dollar franchise, and the trailer takes plenty of swipes at Marvel and DC.
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Inspired by the post-credit sequence in the Deadpool movie YouTube user Darth Blender has created this very funny mashup. It, naturally, features John Hughes’ beloved 1980s cult movie classic ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off’ and Marvel’s awesome 2016 postmodern superhero movie. After watching that post-credit scene it was inevitable someone, somewhere, was going to make this.
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Many years go Ted Talks were fresh, something new and interesting where intelligent people would espouse clever ideas about all manner of subjects. Then, they kept following the same tropes and now they’ve become something everyone grown somewhat tired of. In this brilliant spoof by CBC they poke fun at the series and they really nail it.
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If you’re a grown adult and you need to learn the alphabet then you’re in trouble, but let’s say you just need a refresher. This supercut featuring characters from 85 movies, both new and old, should help—because it shows them reciting the alphabet from A to, well, Z.
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