The Truth Behind That Super Freaky Emma Watson Unmasking Video


Back in March a mind-melting horror show of a video surfaced on the internet that looked like it showed Emma Watson being unmasked to reveal she’s actually Sofia Vergara in disguise (possibly a bit nsfw if you have a latex fetish). It was kind of freaky and weird and awesome in the same way that a Chris Cunningham Aphex Twin video will unnerve and compel you at the same time.

Sadly, Sofia Vergara isn’t wearing Emma Watson like a second skin, but the truth behind the video/GIF is still pretty strange. The footage used to make the surreal Watson/Vergara mindfuck was taken from a documentary about female masking shown on British television called Secrets of the Living Dolls.


Specifically from a YouTube clip called “Susan masks and unmasks” (below), which features rather chilling footage of a guy—Kerry Johnson the uploader of the vid who makes female masks—putting on a silicone prosthetic face, torso and breast ensemble, before reading some books (why not?), and then unmasking.

It turns out female masking is a thing and has an entire subculture that surrounds it, where guys aim to replicate the look of a woman, right down to skin-tone breasts, by wearing latex or silicone disguises.

YouTube user curveballbe digitally manipulated Johnson’s unmasking (around 4:14 in the vid) and used it to create the terrifying Emma Watson/Sofia Vergara mashup that has probably haunted your waking thoughts for these past few days.

If nothing else, we’ve all learned about a niche cross-dressing subculture that exists, where men put on skin-like silicone masks and torsos with foam-filled breasts. Who knows, maybe it’s the subculture you’ve been looking for.

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