Entries Tagged as 'americans'

Wednesday, June 11th, 2014

Before & After Transformation in 5hrs

We’ve all seen the advert, a fat lardass of a man is transformed by the power of supplements into a muscle-bound six-pack wearing god of fitness. And for all the sceptics they even have pictures to prove it, so there! But this genius exposes the potentially fraudulent ways that such a picture can be misleading. [...]

Wednesday, May 28th, 2014

Taste In Powder

Middle class dinner parties wouldn’t be worth the canapés if it wasn’t for the friend who’s got a *sniff* problem and can’t spend five minutes without snorting a line of the white stuff and inviting his dealer round so he can score some powder and get all loud and obnoxious. But that’s what flour will [...]

Tuesday, May 27th, 2014

Comedic Short Film Explores the True Definition of a Photocopier

Los Angeles filmmaker Brett Weiner’s short film “Verbatim” is a dramatization of transcripts from a real-life case from the Ohio Supreme Court, where a lawyer became embroiled in an absurd argument about the definition of a photocopier. The witness in the deposition decided to argue that he had no idea what the term “photocopying machine” [...]

Monday, May 5th, 2014

Meet 60 Year Old Skateboarder Neal “The Dude” Unger

Skateboarding may be thought of a young person’s sport, but that isn’t going to stop 60-year-old skateboarder Neal “The Dude” Unger from showing the youngsters how it’s done—in this short profile film Neal explains how he sees skating as a way to regulate body and mind, a kind of form of meditation.

Monday, May 5th, 2014


Homophobia isn’t a modern problem, it goes all the way back to tribal times with the cavemen. In this satire a bunch of our ancestors fight against their gay instincts, declaring that when you do “samesies” no people can come out. And with the population dwindling it means that “samsies” can be no more.

Friday, May 2nd, 2014

This is The Worst Way To Announce Your Pregnancy Possible

All parents and soon-to-be parents are excited about announcing a pregnancy, but not every one of them sees fit to impart that knowledge with a terrible video set to Taylor Swift’s song “We Are Never, Ever Ever Getting Back Together”, with the lyrics changed to comply with their new baby news.

Monday, April 21st, 2014

YMS: Megan is Missing

If you’ve had the misfortune of seeing Michael Goi’s movie ‘Megan is Missing’ then you’ll know you wasted precious moments of your life that you will never get back – it’s a poor attempt at showing how the internet can be a dangerous place. The movie is basically one long faceplam and the acting hits [...]

Monday, April 14th, 2014

The Gay Debate: The Bible & Homosexuality

Some Christians hate gays, most people hate those Christians who hate gays. Can we not all just get along in peace and harmony and hold hands and suck each other off, both gay, non-gay, man, woman, just like the rhesus monkey? Jesus was gay and so was God and so are you.

Thursday, April 10th, 2014

Wealth Inequality in America

No one is disputing that there’s definitely a gap between the wealthy and the poor, and it only seems to be widening. But how much do we really know about it? This short film full of infographics looks at the distribution of wealth in America, showing both the inequality and the difference between our perception [...]

Wednesday, April 9th, 2014

The Killing Of America (1982) Uncut

Prepare to have your cage rattled by this documentary about the decline of America. It features footage of race riots, serial killers and plenty more to make your heart sink and your mouth gape. The doc argues that John Kennedy being assassinated in 1963 combined with poverty, racism, the Vietnam war, and gun violence was [...]

Wednesday, April 9th, 2014

Hiker with a Broken Ankle Tells it How It Is

Is this woman delirious? Her ankle is twisted the wrong way and she’s managing to film it and talk, when most people would’ve fainted and cried till their eyes fell out, but not her. She trains a camera on the broken appendage and gives a running commentary with some jokes. Bravo. For a moment i [...]