Entries Tagged as 'funny'

Wednesday, January 10th, 2018

‘The Squibbening’—Staging a Bloody (But Fake) Explosive Death Scene

Comedian Matt Gourley has, since being a pre-teen, been making movies with his friends and experimenting with special effects and pyrotechnics. Then he figured out how to fabricate a squib, which is a miniature explosive device used in the film industry, which, combined with a bag of fake blood, simulates a bullet hit.

Tuesday, January 9th, 2018

Woman Becomes First Person To Run A Marathon Without Talking About It

It’s quite an achievement to run a marathon, it’s something else though to train and run one without talking about it incessantly. This brave and courageous woman did just that. She didn’t once take to social media to update statuses with how many miles she ran that morning, or how painful her legs feel.

Friday, January 5th, 2018

The Best Cinema Dialogue of All Time

In movies, good dialogue is right up there with the best of entertaining filmmaking, whether it be arguing, bickering, threatening or subtext-filled bantering. In this video from Cinefix they look over what they consider to be the best dialogue of all time. Naturally there had to be a Quentin Tarantino in there, and they pick [...]

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2018

Terminator 2 as a Toy Commercial

Terminator 2 is pretty much one of the greatest action movies ever, full of iconic scenes and quotable lines of dialogue—but imagine, if you will, that instead of being an action movie for the ages James Cameron’s 1991 movie was instead a toy commercial. And the toy it was for was an actual, and hopefully [...]

Sunday, December 31st, 2017

Guy Photoshops Himself Singing into Stock Photos

Stock photos have really come into their own in the age of photo and video editing software, as it means the straight-laced poses of the models can be used very creatively. And that’s what’s happening in this video by MysteryGuitarMan who has placed himself singing in stock photos, making for very amusing results.

Saturday, December 30th, 2017

A Guide to Commentating on Medical Advice Videos

Comedian Erik Hoffstad’s latest bout of advice from his Internet Comment Etiquette series which humorously looks at how to comment online takes on the tricky and opinion-fuelled area of medical advice. Anywhere which involves discussion of Obamacare is going to make tempers flare, so Erik shows the right way to leave a comment so full [...]

Friday, December 29th, 2017

Drunk Aussies Who Stopped Robbery Give Hilarious Morning TV Interview

A couple of drunk Aussies in swimwear and flip flops stopped a robbery they chanced upon at a gas station by taking the keys out of the robbers’ getaway car and chasing them away. As such they became viral stars and heroes in their homeland. But their fame didn’t end there because they then appeared [...]

Sunday, December 24th, 2017

The Many Movies The Simpsons Has Paid Tribute To

The Simpsons is know for its quick-fire, blink-and-you’ll-miss it gags and one industry they love paying tribute to with these is the movies. In this awesome supercut put together by Vimeo user cgmzz, 27 (there are many more) of the films the series has referenced are pointed out, along with the scenes they’re parodying.

Saturday, December 23rd, 2017

Watch a Golden Retriever Completely Destroy Their Owner’s Apartment

This Golden Retriever is teaching their owner a lesson, that lesson is never leave me alone in your apartment for this amount of time again. Because if you do, you will come home to complete and utter devastation. It’s basically a big EFF U to its owner, who doesn’t look so pleased when she comes [...]

Wednesday, December 20th, 2017

This Merry-Go-Round Fail Compilation is Painful to Watch

A good way to tell if you’re too old is whether you watch this and think “Hey! That looks like fun!” or whether you watch this and think “OMG, why would anyone want to do this?”—personally I have to go with the latter, because why anyone would want to be spun around at these speeds [...]

Thursday, December 14th, 2017

Star Wars Meets Mario Kart in this Awesome Fan Made Animation

If you’re the kind of person who is not only a fan of Star Wars but also loves Mario Kart then this is going to blow your damn mind, because those two worlds collide in a brilliant mashup animation by YouTuber Dark Pixel. Set in the Mario Kart world, the Nintendo characters are given Star [...]