Prepare to be totally wowed by 23-year-old bowler Ben Ketola and his astonishing new world record for the fastest perfect game, rolling twelve consecutive strikes in an amazing 86.9 seconds. Anyone who’s seen The Big Lebowski knows the beauty of the sport, heck there’s even a bowling alley in the White House thanks to Richard Nixon.
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If you thought longboarding downhill at speeds of 60mph was already something for someone with balls of steel to do, then how about doing it in the middle of the night. That’s what rider Kim Anderssen enjoys doing, and as you’ll see from this video it looks insane as Anderssen speeds down the hills in western Norway.
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A lot of people joke they have OCD when they like things to be orderly and neat, but if you have the actual condition of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, it’s nothing to joke about. This insightful and touching video provides a 3 minute insight into living life with OCD, a disorder more than 3 million Americans are affected by.
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If you found yourself watching the Mad Max movies and thinking you’d like a piece of that, but maybe without the whole world-ending thing, then you might want to get yourself down to the Wasteland Weekend. It’s an outdoor festival that takes part in the middle of the desert and lets you indulge in some post-apocalyptic fun without the apocalypse.
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If you broke your arm after failing a jump while you were in a motocross race, you’d probably want your brother to take the GoPro footage you shot and turn it into a hilarious and mocking video, complete with memes and a sarcastic retelling of your whole sorry saga.
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OK so there’s droplets of rain on the camera lens, but that kind of adds to the aesthetic of it all. So sit back and watch longboarder Daniel Holdsworth spray water behind him as he heads down some of Pentiction, BC’s steepest terrains while in a downpour. As well as being captivating to watch it must also take some seriously impressive skills to ride in this weather.
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Gamma Ray bursts sound like they’re something we should all be terrified of and, well, we should be. In this video Kurzgesagt shows that there are plenty more things than asteroids to be afraid of when it comes to space, one of those is invisible death rays. Gamma rays come from explosions full of energy that happen in other galaxies which then send bursts of gamma rays shooting off in all directions.
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If you thought you got paranoid getting high now, imagine doing it in cavemen times, when the dangers to your life where much more prominent. It must’ve been intense, and probably nothing like this funny sketch from YouTubers Soul Mates which sees two cavemen freaking out after getting high…by spinning around
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The Big Lebowski is without doubt the Coen Brothers most popular movie, it’s reached such a status that many of its scenes are now iconic. The complex narrative is based on The Big Sleep, which itself is impossible to understand—but as Ryan Hollinger states in this video, the narrative doesn’t really matter. What matters is the rug.
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Matthew McConaughey, it appears, loves nothing more than telling tall tales in the movies and TV shows he stars in—and this supercut by Owenergy Studios pays testament to that fact as we hear McConaughey talk about all manner of subjects. Maybe it’s because there’s just something about his Texan drawl that sounds so listenable.
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Vanity Fair somehow, probably with money, convinced comedians Eric André and Hannibal Buress to overtake each others Tinder accounts, taking turns messaging each other’s Tinder matches and generally having a ball at the other’s expense. The results aren’t so good for these guy’s Tinder profiles but watching it all unfold is very funny indeed.
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