Rodney Mullen is a pro skater who’s credited with being the originator of the ollie and inventing various tricks that have now become staples in skateboarding—tricks like the flatground ollie, kickflip, heelflip, impossible, and 360-flip. As such he’s a legend of the sport and an innovator, so it makes sense that he’d be a good interviewee. And he is.
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It’s often said that although we all get old, you get to a certain age and you stay that age in your mind—so even when you become an octogenarian you still think you’re 35. YouTuber Offkey Steve raps about that paradox in his comedic song ‘The Life of a Geriatric Rap’ where we see an old guy bemoan his lot in life while stuck in a retirement home.
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If you’re a fan of The Pixies rather excellent track ‘Where Is My Mind’ which is the song that plays out Fight Club if you didn’t know, then you’re going to very much enjoy this video. It features a bunch of howling dogs and screeching cats recut to sound like they’re all singing along to one of the best songs ever made.
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In this sketch from comedy YouTubers Genuine Jerks a guy and a girl, two friends, are hanging out when the conversation leads the girl to ask the guy to rate her. He, idiotically, gives her a low number which is a big no-no in the first place. Then things just get worse.
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‘Do It For Mom!’ That’s the title of this weird Danish PSA which is fighting against Denmark’s low birth rate by targeting grandparents and encouraing them to get involved. Not literally, that would be awkward, as the video notes, but they can help in other ways.
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1980s classic The Karate Kid featured a boy called Daniel Larusso in a underdog beats the odds story that saw Larusso rise up and defeat the bullies and win the day. But what if that wasn’t the whole story? What if the film was actually based on real events? Well video ‘The Karate Kid – The Untold Story’ shows the footage that inspired the movie, filmed at a West valley high in 1983.
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This music video is very meta indeed. It’s directed by Keith Schofield for musicians Stylo G and Jacob Plant. It starts off with a weird premise, a world where people who have no legs sees a bunch of guys chasing a pair of women’s legs—it’s then revealed that this is in fact just a music video being watched by people on YouTube. People who have no legs. People who go out to protest at the sexist video they’ve just watched.
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A casual loop in time travel speak is a sequence of events where a certain event is among the causes of another event, which in turn is among the causes of the first-mentioned event, thus creating some weird time paradox. It’s a type of paradox that is often found in the movies, and in this Vsauce video they explore this brain-melting concept.
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The latest sketch from comedy channel Rooster Teeth features local news anchors updating their reporting for today’s mobile app-driven world. In doing so their honesty pretty much puts them out of a job, because as they note, you probably find out the sports results from your buddy down the bar. Celeb news comes from Instagram.
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It’s a common saying, but are people really connected through just six steps? In a recent video by Veritasium host Derek Muller investigates the concept of six degrees of separation. According to Muller, although the idea of six degrees of separation has been around since the 1930s, it was not scientifically tested until the 1960s, when Harvard sociologist Stanley Milgram set up his “Small World†study.
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Employing a variety of techniques filmmaker Aritz Moreno shoots this film in one long continuous take, as the camera moves about the cast and the scene keeping the action moving forward while racking up the tension. Right from the opening frame you’re pulled into it, wondering how it’s going to play out.
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