If you’ve seen Quentin Tarantino’s The Hateful Eight then you’ll probably think it’s an ode to Westerns—which is a genre it does reference certainly, but it’s actually got a lot in common with John Carpenter’s 1980s movie The Thing. This video does a brilliant job of showing how Tarantino takes inspiration from the horror classic.
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It takes a lot of skill to go down hill at these speeds and maintain your balance—it also takes a lot of guts too, because one stupid move and you could be tumbling through the air and end up with broken bones. You can see how fast they’re going because they’re overtaking cyclists as they whizz down a road in the Alps.
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In an episode of Inside Quest Simon Sinek, who bills himself as a thinker and influencer, lays in to millennials, starting off by questioning why they’re so difficult to manage. From there he blames their parents for failing to represent the real world accurately to them, and so making them entitled while also creating low self esteem because they feel like they’re not as successful as they should be.
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A slow motion shot in a movie, while somewhat cliched, can work wonders when done well. No matter how many times the trick has been pulled, when it’s used to good effect in a scene, it can help heighten a dramatic event or emphasise an action scene—take the opening sequence of Deadpool for example.
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Life can be tough sometimes and that especially goes for when you’re riding something with two wheels. Riding a bicycle once you’ve learnt should theoretically be easy, but it’s not as this compilation pays testament too. It’s not just bicycles either but all two-wheeled vehicles.
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Of course, not that you would ever want to commit murder and get away with it, but just so you know there’s a 50 square mile section of land in Yellowstone National Park that overlaps between Wyoming and Idaho. Because of this it means there’s a loophole meaning it’s impossible for the government to give a criminal a fair trial.
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It’s been described as a film version of a fanzine and here it’s presented in its original Super-8 version as it documents the early 1980s Los Angeles hardcore punk scene. The film was shot over about a year and captures some historical So Cal punk moments, including Henry Rollins’ first show with Black Flag, West Hollywood Sheriff’s busting up another night at Oki-Dogs, along with Circle Jerks and Wasted Youth at the Whisky.
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The pregnancy reaction video is a favorite viral vid, popping up in your news feeds and from Facebook friends, as the parents-to-be gleefully revel in their news. Well Cracked have gone some way to readdress the balance by showing you the other side of the pregnancy reaction videos, the times when you find out you’re NOT pregnant.
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This animation from the Atlantic reveals how Russian venture capitalist Yuri Milner wants to use a solar sail to explore the cosmos and go into interstellar space. Human spaceflight to our nearest star system, Alpha Centauri, won’t be happening for many, many years but that doesn’t mean we can’t send robots there.
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While Pixar movies are aimed at adults as well as kids, they’re nowhere near as dark as this animation by Pixar animators Andrew Coats and Lou Hamou-Lhadj. The short film reveals a very bleak tale of personal tragedy set in the landscape of the Wild West, a tale that has plenty of loss and mourning in it, so don’t expect anything cheery.
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YouTube channel Nerdwriter’s (aka Evan Puschak) latest video essay takes a look at Jack Nicholson, focusing specifically on the fact that many of his characters seem to be very angry. Characters that are subject to sudden and dramatic outbursts of rage. And those outbursts take many shapes and forms.
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