Watch a Golden Retriever Completely Destroy Their Owner’s Apartment


This Golden Retriever is teaching their owner a lesson, that lesson is never leave me alone in your apartment for this amount of time again. Because if you do, you will come home to complete and utter devastation. It’s basically a big EFF U to its owner, who doesn’t look so pleased when she comes home at the end of the video.

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The History of Japan in 9 Minutes


If you want to brush up on your history of the land of the rising sun, but don’t have the time to read the entire Wikipedia entry on the country, then you could do worse than watch this brilliant condensed version by Bill Wurtz, where he lays down Japan’s past in a very entertaining and engaging way.

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We the Internet Ask: Is the University Killing Free Speech and Open Debate?


Universities, being centers of knowledge and education, would be the one place that you would think free speech was protected and allowed to flourish. Not just because of the institution’s histories but also because most people going to universities are going to be more open-minded. But perhaps that’s too simple a view.

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This Merry-Go-Round Fail Compilation is Painful to Watch


A good way to tell if you’re too old is whether you watch this and think “Hey! That looks like fun!” or whether you watch this and think “OMG, why would anyone want to do this?”—personally I have to go with the latter, because why anyone would want to be spun around at these speeds is beyond me, teenager or not.

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The Imperial Forces Invade and Attack Los Angeles


It’s unknown what L.A. did to piss off the Galactic Empire, but they did something, because they’re on the receiving end of AT-ATs, TIE Fighters, Star Destroyers, even the Death Star is glimpsed in the skies waiting to unleash it’s powerful laser. No sign of the Rebel Alliance coming to LA’s rescue though. And certainly not Obi-Wan.

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What ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ Got Right About the Future


In the documentary ‘VISION OF A FUTURE PASSED: The Prophesy of 2001′ filmmaker Gary Leva explores Stanley Kubrick’s seminal sci-fi epic and the effects it’s had on today. From Arthur C. Clarke to Douglas Trumbull, 2001’s special photographic effects supervisor, the short doc runs the gamut from the people who made 2001 happen to the people who keep Kubrick’s legend alive.

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Star Wars Meets Mario Kart in this Awesome Fan Made Animation


If you’re the kind of person who is not only a fan of Star Wars but also loves Mario Kart then this is going to blow your damn mind, because those two worlds collide in a brilliant mashup animation by YouTuber Dark Pixel. Set in the Mario Kart world, the Nintendo characters are given Star Wars vehicles instead of their usual karts and bikes.

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Remember When Nostalgia Was Good?


There’s nothing like reminiscing about the good ol’ days, when all this was fields and everything was much better than it is now, just purely because it isn’t now. But as much as it’s great to remember, nostalgia just isn’t what it used to be, is it? It just doesn’t have quite the same feel as it did back in the 90s, right?

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Skydivers Play on the Ultimate Mega Swing


As a kid you’re much more fearless than when you’re an adult and when you were on the swing at the local park you probably imagined it flying so high into the sky you’d touch a cloud and then fly off down to earth. Well four skydivers got to experience something similar in this stunt from Red Bull. It features two hot air balloons and a 125m long rope with a seat on the end to create a mega swing for the ages.

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What’s The Most Difficult Place To Get To In the World?


You may think getting around your local area in rush hour is difficult but there are far more difficult places to get to in the world. And if you’re wondering just what those are, this video from RealLifeLore will show you. It features places like volcanoes in Antartica to islands located in the remote Indian Ocean.

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10 Movies You Won’t Believe Are Actually Based On Real Stories


Some movies it’s entirely obvious that they’re based on a true story, but some others not so much. Case in point is the ten movies featured in this video from Screen Rant. Sure some of them you might be aware of but others will shock you. For instance did you know that A Nightmare On Elm Street was inspired by real-life events? Or Star Wars? The Shining?

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