If you’ve found that trailers these days all seem to be a bit samey, running through the same homogeneous formula then you might want to watch this video by YouTube channel Now You See. Not only do they look over why modern trailers feel like this, they also detail what makes a great trailer standout.
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So it seems full contact sword fighting is a thing, a thing that involves attacking fellow practitioners with steel swords and axes, which looks as dangerous as it does epic. The good news is that at least they wear full body armour and helmets to lessen those blows raining down on them, no doubt there’s still some injuries though.
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When it comes to video games, there is one game in particular that is renowned for being one of the worst video games ever made—and the biggest flop of all time. That game is ‘E.T, The Extraterrestrial’ for Atari 2600 and the game’s designer, Howard Scott Warshaw, far from being ashamed that the game has such a bad association, is very pleased of it.
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This supercut pretty much lists off every sexy female seductress who ever graced the silver screen, as they seduce and coerce their male counterparts and work their feminine wiles, showing how to get a man to do whatever the hell they want.
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Written and directed by Chris Lee and Paul Storrie, this dark short features a young boy in a Sonic the Hedgehog costume, searching for adventure but finding something else instead. And it’s here where the film takes a darker tone, exploring the idea of Peter-Pan Syndrome and not wanting to grow up.
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Why are some people unfaithful? Are they born that way? Greg and Mitch from ASAPScience look at the science behind the human need to cheat in their latest YouTube video. It seems that something called “extra-pair mating†(aka infidelity) is a common human behavior linked directly to dopamine, which makes us feel happy.
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á‘–á’» ᔅᑳᑦ and ᖃᓂá…ᔮᖅá¸áƒá‘¦â€”Those weird symbols may look like some kind of alien hieroglyphics but they are in fact a language here on earth. They are Inuktitut a language spoken in the Northern Canadian province of Nunavut. Here they have three official languages, english, french, and the language of the Inuits.
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CollegeHumor’s sketch ‘If Google Was A Guy’ returns for a fourth instalment to shine a mirror on our internet searches, in the process revealing the stupid, strange, creepy, and just plain lazy stuff we ask Google. Imagine if it disappeared and we had to field all those questions to an actual person?
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This guy’s mom thought she was being taken to lunch, but instead her son decided to play a prank on her, which involved a cyclist hitting his car and then a police officer promptly showing up to come and arrest him. Meanwhile his mom’s blood pressure is rising and rising as she shouts at the cop.
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Mike Boyd doesn’t skateboard, but he wanted to see how long it would take to learn a particular skill so he chose skateboarding and set about teaching himself to kick flip—which is a trick that involves flipping a skateboard 360° along the axis. Boyd recorded every second of him learning the trick.
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Adam Buxton plays Rock Dad in this very funny sketch from an old BBC3 sketch show from 2007. As well as being hilarious it also shows dads how they can show off their cool music cred without having to offend their young offspring. Because Buxton plays his young son the sweary and violent NWA’s F*ck Da Police but avoids all the NSFW language.
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