There’s nothing like a good plot twist to entertain when watching a movie. When done well it can make for an exciting and riveting film, even if it’s totally crazy. But when done badly it’s just upsetting. In this video from Now You See It they look at what distinguishes a good twist from a crap one.
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The old time travel cliche about going back in time to kill history’s most notorious mass murderer (aka Hitler) isn’t touched upon in this impressive time travel sci-fi short. But why would it be when this has far more original ideas it plays with. The concept for the short film is that time travel spreads like a virus does.
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If you’re a parent then you’ll know that you aren’t alway entirely honest with your kids. If you’re not a parent then, sorry, but your parents weren’t always 100% honest with you. Because basically if they were you would probably be deeply emotionally and psychologically affected by it.
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Starting in 1700 and travelling up to the present day, this video from JordiTK takes a meme nostalgia trip that will stir your childhood memories, maybe even some past life memories too—considering that it goes back to the 1700s. It also takes in all kinds of music too, from classical, to obscure Russian folk, and 1980s pop.
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Tom Hanks must surely be one of the most beloved actors in Hollywood and he’s also one of the most prolific—he’s been acting for nearly 40 years and it’s been a career that’s gone from 80s comedies to Oscar-winning dramas and war movies, even romcoms. The man is versatile, that’s for sure, and he seems like he’d be a great guy to have beer with too.
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It’s gone down as a legendary game, and it featured Belgian Jean-Michel Saive and Chuang Chih-yuan battling it out in what was ultimately a farcical endurance test. Even the crowd can’t help laughing as the two duke it out. What started out as a normal game went to bizarre levels when their crazy rallies extended way beyond the table and even the arena of play.
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Just like in real-life people love to get drunk in the movies—and this supercut by editor Robert Jones is certainly proof of that, as it features 70 scenes from both contemporary and classic films of people get wasted on the demon drink. And just like in real life chaos reigns, as they fall over, jump around, and generally act like a bunch of drunks.
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It doesn’t matter whether the zombies are in the films of George A. Romero or from the brutal world of Robert Kirkman’s Walking Dead, there is one constant—humanity takes a beating when it comes to an outbreak of flesh-eating undead monsters. In this video Dr. Stephen Morse a professor of epidemiology at Columbia University talks through how public health officials would attempt to stop a potential zombie apocalypse in its tracks, if it occurred.
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When you get ear-wormed by some lame-wad song and all you can do all day is hear it sounding off inside your skull, then don’t just sit there and take it. Instead, use this song to fight back and then you’ll push that song out of your head and replace it with this one. Phew. Trouble is, what song do you sing when this song gets stuck inside your head?
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Muay Thai is a sport with both a brutal and elegant face to it. Immensely hard punches and kicks are interspersed with carefully timed moves, so it becomes almost a dance between the two opponents. This short film puts across the pure essence of this often misunderstood sport, showcasing its beauty and grace.
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This comedy series by Rob Wakefield is about two small-time criminals, the type whose nefarious activities aren’t going to get them in big trouble. But their petty crimes are caught on camera after taking place in a car rigged with hidden cameras which was sold to a criminal organisation to gather evidence on them.
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