A motorcycle rider somehow managed to survive falling down a cliff after losing control of his vehicle. In this heart-stopping footage captured on another guy’s headcam the rider can be seen skidding off the road after missing a turn, and veering onto a bank at the side of the road. Which in turn causes him to miss a preventative barrier, topple over the side, and down a steep incline.
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Parenting is a massive pain in the ass, so if you can find anything to make it easier, then you’ll grab hold of it like your life depended on it—and in the 21st century we have things like iPads to bring up children, so that parents can have get a break and spend their time looking at their iPhones. It’s just, the iPad screen is kinda small.
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In this video from YouTube channel To Catch a Cheater we meet girlfriend Vanessa, a World of Warcraft gamer, who wants to test her boyfriend’s loyalty when she’s not around and temptation looms its ugly head. So, to enact her scheme she sends an attractive-looking pregnant teen to go and come onto him.
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A story that someone has paid a bribe to never be told is, paradoxically, a story that needs to be told. And that’s what comedian Sean Patton does in this Viceland video about a woman he met after a show, whose house he went back to. Soon things begin to get weird when she starts smoking crack and begins to show him a video of her and a Roman candle.
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In his latest video essay, Michael Tucker from Lessons from the Screenplay lays down the frankly awesome way Vince Gilligan expertly set up the narrative of his hit TV show Breaking Bad, in the show’s pilot episode. The show has been rightfully heralded as one of the greatest TV has even seen, but like all TV shows it had to start somewhere.
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After the surprise release of the premiere episode of Rick and Morty season 3 was sprung on the world by Adult Swim on April Fools Day, the next unexpected turn of events was the resurgence of McDonald’s long-gone Mulan Szechuan dipping sauce. In the episode Rick says it’s his inspiration for what he does, and after that the internet went pretty nuts for it.
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Italian video maker Aldo Jones has mastered the art of turning popular trailers, usually for superhero movies, into bizarre, cartoonish iterations that feature a plethora of sight gags and slapstick zaniness. So crammed full of visual references to other films, TV shows, and memes are they, they usually require a few watches to get everything—and even then there’s probably lots you missed.
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You’ve no doubt seen the trailer for the new ‘It’ movie based on Stephan King’s novel, well if you thought it was scary it’s now been turned into something even more horrifying. How? Well amazingly by replacing Pennywise the dancing clown with Mike Myers’ portrayal of the Cat from the 2003 film, Dr. Seuss’ The Cat in the Hat.
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No one likes to see a full glass of beer tragically get spilled onto the floor, it’s a sight that sinks the heart of many a person. So Ozzy Man uploading a whole compilation of this happening is quite a upsetting spectacle to see. But as he notes in the YouTube description, he’s uploading it for educational purposes.
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Kids, they have it tough. The world of dating is a pain in the A and they should know. So, if you think your love life is a mess then just spare a thought for these poor souls, having to navigate the complex world of modern relationships. All while having nothing stronger to drink to soothe their pain than a glass of apple juice.
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As hard as it is to believe at this stage of the 21st century, there is a town in America which has no cell phones or wi-fi—it’s called Pocahontas County in West Virginia and it falls within the National Radio Quiet Zone. That’s because it’s home to the Green Bank Telescope which measures radio waves throughout the universe.
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