Mad Feet is an Awesome Mashup of George Miller’s Mad Max and Happy Feet


It’s hard to get your head around the fact that the same director who gave us the insane post-apocalyptic vision of Mad Max: Fury Road also gave us Happy Feet (and Babe: Pig in the City!), but he did. And now someone has recut Mad Max with Happy Feet to deliver the brilliant Mad Feet.

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The New MacBook Pro Summarized in 30 Seconds


Apple unveiled their new MacBook Pro back in the autumn of 2016, so by now if you have any interest in it, you’ll probably have some familiarity with what it does and doesn’t do. However, perhaps you’ll still looking for something to summarize what makes it different, well look no further than this video.

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Slow Mo 4K Footage of an RC Car Being Destroyed


The Slow Mo Guys take RC cars that can hit speeds of up to 100 mph and then slow them down, like way, way, way down. They do this to a few of Traxxas’ XO-1 models and for good measure they also make the cars do various stunts like driving through fire, all shot in super slow motion.

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College Humor Parody ‘30 for 30′ Asking What If Rocky 4 Happened For Real?


In Rocky IV the Italian Stallion takes on Dolph Lundgren’s Ivan Drago, but it’s also a battle at the height of the Cold War between two superpowers—it’s America Vs. USSR and what if it played out for real? That’s the idea behind this College Humor skit which parodies ESPN docu-series 30 for 30.

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Watch Remi Gaillard’s Hilarious Best of 2016 Compilation


Remi Gaillard is the fearless grandaddy of internet pranking, the master who was doing outrageous stunts when today’s young YouTubers were knee high to a grasshopper. And this compilation proves that, after years of practicing the art of pranking, he hasn’t lost any of his mojo.

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Everything Wrong With Deadpool In 16 Minutes Or Less


If you’ve seen Deadpool then you might question just what the hell CinemaSins is doing making one of their ‘Everything Wrong With…’ videos about a film that did everything right. But, well, they’ve done it and admittedly they appear to struggle a bit when it comes to picking holes in Ryan Reynolds portrayal of Marvel’s merc with a mouth.

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How Donald Trump Tweets, an Explanation


The president-elect likes nothing more than to fire off tweets, usually in the early hours of the morning, about all kinds of topics that you think would be more suited to a platform other than one where you’re limited to 140 characters. But no, he tweets about nuclear bombs, North Korea, even wiping off billions from company’s shares by criticizing them in a tweet.

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Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt’s ‘Passengers’ Gets a Very Weird Trailer


While the press tour for Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt’s movie Passengers may have received favorable coverage, the movie itself didn’t. It’s currently sitting on a critic’s score of 31% on Rotten Tomatoes. Still, one thing it has got going for it is that Aldo Jones has turned the film’s trailer into something rather amazing as part of his ‘Weird Trailer’ series.

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‘Fuh Q Mang’—Pogo Turns Scarface into an Badass EDM Song


Scarface is a classic movie, an iconic role for Al Pacino who plays Cuban refugee Tony Montana who rises to become a powerful drug kingpin and then falls from grace in an epic shootout. Directed by Brian De Palma and written by Oliver Stone it has many a quotable line of dialogue.

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‘2016′—A Short Comedic Film about This Crappy Year


Imagine if you’d been asleep for the entire of 2016 and then awoke just at the end and had no clue as to what events took place throughout the year. That’s the premise of this fun short film from British comedy duo Tom Hanson and Hubert Burton. The idea is a guy’s been in the land of snooze since NYE 2015 and now gets a recap of 2016.

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Super Mario Run Meets Parkour in Real Life


Super Mario Run is the new iOS game from Nintendo and it hasn’t been out that long but YouTube channel Devin Super Tramp (aka filmmaker Devin Graham) has created a live-action version. And he’s enlisted parkour pro Calen Chan who takes on the role of the iconic Italian plumber.

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