Watch the First Official Trailer for the Live-Action Ghost in the Shell


From the casting of Scarlett Johansson to the very idea of turning one of the most iconic and celebrated (after Akira) mangas into a live-action film, Ghost in the Shell has been mired in controversy. So now is the time everyone can either reevaluate or have their criticisms confirmed with the first official trailer.

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Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton John Lewis Ad Parody


Every year British department store John Lewis release a Christmas commercial that usually gets people all gooey-eyed and warm inside about the upcoming holiday season. And every year there comes a bunch of parody ads which for those who find the original too saccharine, are the real highlight. Of course this year one of the parodies had to feature Trump and Hilary Clinton.

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Bill Burr on the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election


With his recent appearance on Conan comedian Bill Burr gave his two cents on the shock outcome of the 2016 U.S. presidential election. He tells Conan that, even though Trump has been throwing around loads of outrageous policies on the campaign trail, he doesn’t think that he’ll build a wall or ban Muslims so everyone should just chill out.

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Adam Ruins Everything: Why Weed is No Big Deal


Taken from his truTV series, Adam Ruins Everything, comedian Adam Conover looks at the history of people smoking, and generally ingesting, marijuana in America and runs through something we’ve all know for a while. That weed is essentially harmless and smoking it is no big deal, which people have known for decades.

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‘Ozzy Man’ Commentates on the Video of Baby Iguana Escaping Snakes


The world was recently enthralled by a clip from new BBC nature documentary series narrated by David Attenborough Planet Earth II which shows a baby iguana running away from a group of hungry snakes. The clip has been compared to an action sequence and declared ‘the greatest TV moment ever.’

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Sci-Fi Fantasy Short Film Pits Latinos Against Donald Trump and His Giant Robot


President Donald Trump’s plan of banning immigration and building an enormous wall on the Mexico – US border get a comical and science fiction spin in this darkly humored short film by a Uruguayan production company. It sees Trump controlling a huge robot to take on a group of Mexicans who use all many of bizarre weapons to combat him.

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Gorillaz’s ‘Feel Good Inc.’ Covered by Gabe the Dog and Various Memes


The Gorillaz’s track ‘Feel Good Inc.’ is no doubt a favorite among many fans of the fictitious band, and while this cover doesn’t necessarily improve upon it, it certainly does it justice. Because behold, here is ‘Feel Good Inc.’ as covered by Gabe the barking dog and a host of other memes, all edited together brilliantly by YouTuber Chris Kogos.

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Benedict Cumberbatch Looks Super Cool on the ‘Koohl Toilet’


There’s no doubting that Benedict Cumberbatch is cool, but is he cool enough to look cool on a toilet? Well yes he is as is quite clear from this (fake) commercial for the Koohl Toilet which was featured in a skit on Saturday Night Live. Where we see Cumberbatch dressed like Neo from the Matrix with a mission to revolutionize how we sit while dropping a couple of friends off at the pool.

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Watch the Final Trailer for Upcoming ‘The Lego Batman Movie’


After the huge success of The Lego Movie, and the fact that the Batman character was received so fondly and played to hilarious effect by Will Arnett, comes The Lego Batman Movie. Where Lego Batman comes front and center as the main star—and it looks like it’s going to be hilarious fun if the trailers, the fourth and final of which is above, are anything to go by.

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Comedian Joe Hanson Goes to a Topless Parade in Venice Beach


Joe Hanson, from YouTube channel Joe Goes which sees him visit conventions to troll interview the attendees, heads off to Venice Beach for the annual GoTopless parade. A time when women, and men, from across the US take to the streets of their city to walk topless in solidarity of women’s right to go bare-chested, which is currently illegal in many places.

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If Congress Was Your Co-worker


It’s no secret that Joss Whedon doesn’t like Donald Trump very much, and in this ad for Save the Day he teams up with actor Chris Pine to imagine what it would be like if congress was your co-worker. In it Pine plays a guy who hates making decisions so much that he close the company for a month, but even though the office is closed Pine still gets paid.

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