The Toyota Prius features a safety camera on the back so drivers don’t reverse into anything. And now an innovative, pioneering filmmaker has used this backup camera to shoot an entire film. Take that Orson Welles! It’s the kind of experimental and daring filmmaking that pushes the medium to new unknowns that will probably change cinema for ever.
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While filming a sex scene two porn stars, Jake Jace and Luna Star, are fed hilarious lines by comedians Nikki Glaser and Kyle Kinane. Kinane was appearing on Glaser’s show ‘Not Safe with Nikki Glaser’ and the two sat behind the scenes feeding ridiculous ad hoc lines to the two porn actors filming their scene.
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The wonderful Bill Hicks contemplates a world where marijuana use is compulsory, a place where the drug isn’t just legalised but where people have to wander around stoned for the benefit of everyone on the planet (Colorado, anyone?). A planet full of “quiet, mellow, hungry, high people” where Dominos pizza trucks dominate the landscape in endless parades. “Shut up and smoke that, it’s the law.”
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As this shocking video reveals, robot abuse is happening and it seems to only be getting worse. And it’s being perpetrated by the very people who should be looking out for these autonomous machines, their creators. They may justify their actions by saying they’re “testing” the robots, but is that really an excuse?
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Not only is this a six year old who can breakdance, but she absolutely destroys her opponent in this epic performance—coming in at half his size, she shows off her catalogue of badass moves in the Baby Battle, part of the Chelles Battle Pro competition held in Paris in March last year. Check out those moves and check out that mini-bgirl outfit too. And then check yourself out in the mirror and cry salt tears that you’ll never be as cool as her. Ever.
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Any new parent will know that you’re no longer able to just got out for a drink when you feel like it, it takes months of planning to go out even for only a few hours. In this sketch by comedy duo Hamish and Andy a new dad rings up a Parent Fantasy Hotline and sighs with joy at hearing the operator talk about his spontaneous night’s out and lie-in.
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With the help of model and actress Olivia Culpo Mode’s latest edition of their “100 Years of Fashion” series recreates the looks and styles of some of Hollywood’s greatest leading ladies. Starting from 1910 they feature one from each decade working all the way up to 2010.
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Steven Spielberg’s classic war movie is great and all, but it might be even better if it was turned into a video game, a video game just like Halo. Which is exactly what YouTuber Logie .Pierogi has done, so instead of futuristic military sci-fi the action is relocated to killing Nazis in Europe in WWII.
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YouTube science channel ‘Kurz Gesagt – In a Nutshell’ looks at the concept know as the Fermi Paradox, which basically states that if the universe is so damn old and so damn big with trillions of stars, why have we not met any aliens yet? Or found any sign of their existence? And what does it mean for our own future? This video takes a look at this and questions whether they’ve existed and been wiped out or whether our tech is just to primitive to communicate with them.
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News bloopers are undoubtedly funny and people who are high are, on the whole, undoubtedly funny. Providing they’re not freaking out because they think their thumbs are shrinking, of course. And this compilation from YouTubers NewsBeFunny combines the two, so it is of course undoubtedly funny too.
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The perpetual motion machine is a device that has alluded scientists for centuries. Since around the 1100s people have been trying to create something that could run indefinitely without any external energy needed. And it looks like Norwegian artist and mathematician Reidar Fins has created such a thing, or at least he thinks he has.
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