Entries from April 2011

Monday, April 11th, 2011

Quaked – Skating in Christchurch After the Quake

The devastation wrought by an earthquake is pretty grim news all round but not for this bunch of skaters, for them the city’s effectively been turned into a giant skate park, with the cracked roads and general carnage that is the customary state of things after a huge tremor becoming a giant playground of obstacles [...]

Saturday, April 9th, 2011

Building the Dream

Meet John, he is a man with a mission who refuses to die, he’s either immortal, or a very lucky b#stard who loves his work! What would be your dream job? How about designing video games that are exploring new creative possibilities and pushing the medium to its limits? We’re seeing new generations of game [...]

Friday, April 8th, 2011

Daft Punk – “Alive”

The homoerotic tension runs high (don’t pretend you don’t love it) in this new video for Daft Punk’s track “Alive”, which also happens to be Emile Hirsch’s directorial debut. it stars Ace Norton and Frankie Levangie in (and out of) their best 80s clothes because, you know, the 80s were cool and everyone was younger [...]

Thursday, April 7th, 2011

Watsky- Stupidass

Dude starts the video completely naked and then proceeds to get dressed. Backwards. Such is his consummate skill and ability. But why would he choose to shed his clothes in what looks like a public park in the first place? Maybe cos his buddies did something pretty gross to him while he was passed out. [...]

Wednesday, April 6th, 2011

Huge Soccer Fan Brawl

Here you go, a massive scrap between rival Ukranian soccer fans, 120 sluggers from FC CSKA Kiev versus 150 bruisers from some Dynamo Kiev, to find out which team has the toughest fans? The result is a particularly epic scrap that puts Brad Pitt and Edward Norton to shame and is a totally pleasant way [...]

Tuesday, April 5th, 2011

Charlie Sheen: Unedited Edited Version

We all remember that interview where the crazy warlock ranted about his tiger blood and 7G rocks? Well, here’s the unedited version of it and Charlie is *ding* off the *ding* chain *ding*. Inside his house & inside his head, this was put together by the tiger-blooded winner himself for his “Violent Torpedo of Truth” [...]

Monday, April 4th, 2011

Why Japanese Pop Music Rules

If only our own Western pop wasn’t full of Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black and other shitty twee rubbish. If only it was full of really hot Asian girls in their underwear like this video. Then you wouldn’t need any other type of music, you’d just need pop with videos of cute girls in skimpy [...]

Monday, April 4th, 2011

How to Piss in Public

This occurs around towns and cities all over the planet every Friday and Saturday night, so much that the streets run yellow with rivers of urine. But it’s not always about just finding a secluded alley and letting it flow forth. No, there are subtleties. It takes training and skill to accomplish this feat while [...]

Friday, April 1st, 2011

30 Hits of LSD!!!

The fact that this guy’s managed to consume 30 hits of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and is not a raving, gibbering mad fiend whose mind is caught in the rabbit hole of La La Land where the white ghosts of temporality greet the sad tongued children of Jupiter, is miraculous. Instead he’s able to recount the [...]

Friday, April 1st, 2011

Top 5 Viral Pictures of 1911

How time flies, huh? It’s hard to believe that YouTube has been around for a hundred years, it seems like only 6 years ago we were heralding the advent of a new internet dawn. But no, it’s been going since 1911 way back when Jack the Dancing Walnut was the variety performer of his day. [...]