Entries Tagged as 'losers'

Wednesday, January 9th, 2013

Technology Demonstration Video Fail

When debuting your new piece of fancy kit, one thing you must avoid is electrostatic discharge–it gets us all in the end, but you don’t want it humiliating you when you’re trying to show off a new product, unless you’re moonlighting as a comedian. But sadly this guy isn’t, although maybe he should think about [...]

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013

BBC Human Planet: The Douche

Fascinating and insightful documentary from the peerless broadcaster. Another win for them, in their tireless exploration of the human being in all its manifest and intriguing forms, from kings, queens, prime minsters, war heroes, miners, scientists, cooks, musicians, and perhaps its most misunderstood and reviled: a total f#cking douchebag.

Monday, December 31st, 2012

Ultimate Fails Compilation 2012 || Best Fails of the Year!

What a year it’s been for people acting like total goofballs, at times it’s seemed as if people did nothing else but injure themselves and fall over, crash speedboats, fail at backflips and generally show how great the human race is at fucking things up. Well done everyone, let’s hope in 2013 we can fail [...]

Thursday, December 20th, 2012

Anonymous – Message To The Westboro Baptist Church

A new low even for the Westboro Baptist Church, as they plan to picket a vigil for the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. Step up Anonymous who in retaliation have decided to hack their twitter account and take down their website in an attempt to stop them spreading the hate. Game on.

Monday, December 17th, 2012

Bad Behavior Online: Bullying, Trolling & Free Speech

If there’s one place where you’re bound to experience the worst human culture has to offer, it’s the interland. Trolls, keyboard warriors, spite, hatred, and inhumanity can all surface behind the mask of anonymity. The always great PBS Off Book series looks at how, if at all, should the internet be regulated to stop online [...]

Friday, August 24th, 2012

Guns ‘n Roses – “Sweet Child O’ Mine” – Terrible Cover

Everybody likes a bit of Guns ‘n Roses, not too much mind, but just enough to get you reminiscing about the good old days when you wore a leather jacket and thought you were Axl Rose. But when it’s an appalling Guns ‘n Roses cover that makes your eyes bleed and your brain hurt, then [...]

Monday, August 6th, 2012

Desperate Boy Looking For A Girlfriend !

Troll or no troll, the lulz are here for you to come lap up like so much delicious champagne. But let’s give the kid some credit, if he is Mr Fakero he’s managed to pull off some pretty spectacular acting here. So, if he doesn’t end up getting a girlfriend, at least he can head [...]

Thursday, July 26th, 2012

Fail Compilation July 2012 || TNL

It’s that time of the month again. No, not that time, but the fail compilation time, so gather together your lol-muscle and prepare to witness the extraordinary fail that exists across the world and has be taking place in July, while you’ve just be going about your business.

Tuesday, June 12th, 2012

Fear Factor USA – “Hee Haw! Hee Haw!”(Donkey Semen Stunt)

So this is what passes for mainstream entertainment these days, huh? Who knew. A few years back you’d have to root around the internet for a few minutes before you could find some pretty girls drinking the seed of a donkey, but now it’s on TV. Did I miss the memo notifying us that society [...]

Friday, May 11th, 2012

Wile E. Coyote Finally Gets Road Runner

It finally happened, after decades of trying to get the sneaky Roadrunner, without regard to personal injury, the hapless Coyote gets lucky and kills the feathered foe for good and feasts on his remains (Best not to question how Wile E. turns a bloody smushed corpse into a fine delicious looking dinner to eat at [...]

Thursday, April 26th, 2012

Say NO to Crack, Say YES! to Roller Skating

It’s some pretty good advice for a kid, if someone offers you some candy and a ride in the back of their van, or maybe some nice, fresh crack cocaine and it all looks and sounds very VERY tempting, turn it down and just say NO! Thats right, no matter how much you want your [...]