Entries Tagged as 'losers'

Friday, February 24th, 2012

Sick Kid Testing Out a Tablet in Best Buy

Next time you want to go check out that shiny new tablet computer at Best Buy, just remember this video of a kid covered in his own snot wiping infected slime all over that nice looking piece of technology. Gross doesn’t come close to describing this.

Friday, February 24th, 2012

The Gentlemen’s Rant: Homophobia

Next time you want to bully the gay guy at school, just remember who he’s friends with. Those hot girls he’s hanging around with who dote on his every word, they’re not his enemies. And if you hate the idea of gay people kissing, then you won’t want to see the HLA going on halfway [...]

Thursday, February 2nd, 2012

Fail compilation January 2012

Here it is, the first fail compilation of the year and, as is fitting, it starts with some fireworks going wrong. Then it’s the usual bunch of addictive viewing as people headbutt walls, do the classic skateboard trick: the nustshot, and generally make a mockery of us all. If you thought had a bad January, [...]

Tuesday, January 31st, 2012

Women vs Men: Not So Parallel (parked)

A British study billed as “the most comprehensive ever conducted on gender driving differences” has concluded that women are better at parking cars than men. The study, which relied on surveillence camera footage of over 2,500 drivers across 700 parking garages, was devised by professional driving instructor Neil Beeson, and produced by car park firm [...]

Friday, January 20th, 2012


NO, they are not 2 webcam wannabes shaking their thang. If you’ve never heard the two words above, then where have you been all week? Both these acts that threaten the freedoms of the online world with their lameness have had bad press this week, thanks in no small part to thousands of websites going [...]

Monday, January 16th, 2012

Sh*t Homophobic People Say

If you want to know what homophobic people say, just tune into Fox News or listen to a Republican presidential candidate and you’ll hear some spiteful, ignorant, idiotic bile that passes as informed opinion. It’s just further evidence of just how uneducated some people are and the fact they’re allowed on TV, really doesn’t do [...]

Monday, December 19th, 2011

Best fails of 2011

It’s the end of the year and so as with everything, it’s time to roll out the best of from an endless variety of categories, and one of those categories is the fail. It’s been a good year for failing, both large and small, from the world’s economies to the Euro to politics and beyond. [...]

Wednesday, December 7th, 2011

Charles Manson – “Everyday I’m Shufflin”

Cuddly Charlie Manson the mass murdering crazie may be a psychopathic acid causality, but that doesn’t mean he can’t shake his thing and bust some moves like a one man, shoe shufflin’ dance party. All those years in prison, man’s gotta keep himself occupied. Charlie danced those years away. Whoop.

Tuesday, November 1st, 2011

Doctor Who – Cast & Crew Special

The cast and crew of Doctor Who perform like monkeys in front of the camera to celebrate David Tennant finally leaving and ending his over-hyped, child-at-Christmas performance of the Doctor. Just look how happy they all are in this clip, smiles as wide as the universe, even Mr Tennant himself is beaming with joy at [...]

Wednesday, September 21st, 2011

Top Ten Creationist Arguments

Those goddamn (pun most def intended) Creationists, it’s surprising they managed to evolve thumbs. But somehow, due to some weird mysterious science thing called evolution, they did. So if nothing else they should be thanking evolution for their thumbs, without which they’d find it hard to flick through their story books and read about all [...]

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011


Christ. Somebody’d better help that poor fat child. Not only is he probably on a diet of deep fried transfats, but he’s obviously getting neglected so his chubster of a mom and her twin of a mate can dance about and get themselves some YouTube love. Or hate. Plus he’s going to grow up thinking [...]