Entries Tagged as 'WTF'

Thursday, January 12th, 2012

The Internet’s Newest Fetish

It’s totally unhygenic, just like all of the best fetishes. Also, it looks like it’s origin is from Japan, so don’t make any quick assumptions just yet. If you’re wondering what it is she’s resting her tongue on, it’s not what you’re thinking. Whatever you’re thinking, it’s not that.

Wednesday, December 21st, 2011

WTF Collective 3 (Jon Lajoie)

What a journey it’s been for this man, Jon Lajoie and his WTF Collective. From starting out as paupers on the streets of Dickensian London, growing up under Nazi Germany, then living through the great Lajoie purge of 1909, he’s now back with the third installment of his WTF Collective track. Talk about milking it.

Wednesday, December 21st, 2011

Best Talk Show Ever

Wasn’t gonna put this up, but i didn’t want the year to pass without paying homage to a classic. You’re perfectly entitled to a few WTF’s here, perfectly entitled. If anyone knows exactly what this mulleted man is up to (He has the voice(?) of an angel. Maybe.) then please send your answers to the [...]

Thursday, December 8th, 2011

I’m Rick Perry and I Approve This Message.

Faith made America strong–according to the Fascist mind of Rick Perry–and Rick Perry’s here to make it weak. As weak as his idiotic mind that hearts religion but lacks tolerance. Surely, somewhere in those doctrines there’s something about turning the other cheek (doesn’t matter where that cheek is on the body) and embracing your fellow [...]

Sunday, December 4th, 2011

PS3: Insane Immersive Movie Experience

Wanna make your girlfriend think you are waay cooler than Johnny Depp? Watch as this guy’s room fills with water and turns into the good ship Black Pearl, sailing the ocean blue, with you as Captain jack! No SFX, no post production, no cuts, everything you see here was done 100% for real. In this [...]

Friday, November 25th, 2011

Joe Rogan – What Is Reality

If you’re baffled about the concept of multiple universes, where black holes contain endless amounts of other universes, ones where you’re actually successful in life, as weird as that may seem, then maybe Joe can help with his musing on how much it blows his fucking mind. Piloting his flesh vehicle around trying to figure [...]

Monday, November 21st, 2011

Drinking Homeopathic Bleach

This is one way to impress the ladies, ask them back to your place for some shots of homeopathic bleach to wash down that delicious meal you had. Once you pose the question of drinking some of this intoxicating brew she’ll be like putty in your hands. Most probably because she’ll have some kind of [...]

Monday, November 14th, 2011

Strippers vs. Zombies

If you’d have asked me before watching this video who’d win in a fight between zombies and strippers I’d have said zombies. But then most strippers don’t have a flaming vajajay that can shoot fire 3ft in the air. When you’ve got that sort of arsenal between your legs, that’s really a game changer.

Wednesday, November 9th, 2011

Tim & Eric Meets Saints Row: The Third

No one does uncanny strangeness like Tim & Eric, two men whose alien hearts probably pump LSD round their veins while they secrete peculiarity out of their pores. So naturally any gameshow they come up with is bound to make you feel confused. Looks like Japan’s got some stiff competition in the WTF stakes.

Friday, October 7th, 2011

Skynet is Coming…

And to think, science-fiction told us the machine uprising would come from defense technology, but no, as ever reality is far more ordinary. You’re just un-boxing your new Central Station monitor, you’re excited, you got some new gear, then the technological singularity slaps you in the face. Next thing you know we’re being grown in [...]

Wednesday, October 5th, 2011

Try Not to Get Too Aroused

You’ll probably find this quite hard to fap to (unless you are a Dalek), but give it a go nonetheless. Because, you know, the world likes a trier after all, and if people doing strange dancing with crutches strapped to their heads in the name of art is your weird fetish thrill, then you’re in [...]