Entries Tagged as 'WTF'

Tuesday, September 27th, 2011

RC Helicopter Flight Test Gone Bad

Well, what could go bad you might ask yourself? Does the guy testing it get whacked in the face with the blades? Does it hit the other guy in the nuts and then fly into a passerby’s face? No, not exactly. Let’s just say Michael Bay’d be impressed by this little thing…

Thursday, September 22nd, 2011

Britney Spears – Circus

Hang on just one cotton-picking minute, this doesn’t look like Britney. It looks more like a horror show. Unless Britney’s decided to lose her marbles again and wrap herself in cured meats while parading around on all fours? If this is the sort of fanbase she has then, um, she should probably avoid meeting any [...]

Thursday, August 11th, 2011

Planet Earth – London

The great Sir David Attenborough narrates us through some of the running battles that overtook London over the last 5 days. It was a surreal turn of events, one that even Sir Dave would shake his head at the tragedy of it all, but the uncanny resemblance about what everyone’s favourite luvvie is rambling on [...]

Wednesday, August 10th, 2011


With the world in ruin: riots in England, numbers losing their integrity, Obama getting all those grey hairs. What to do? Well, just look to Japan, they may’ve been devastated by a tsunami and near nuclear meltdown, but that won’t stop them producing retina-popping music videos. All hail them.

Wednesday, August 10th, 2011

Nikki Reed Gives a Shit

Now here’s an interesting request you can’t possibly refuse from the cutie we all wanted to sink our teeth into when she appeared in Twilight. Don’t get too concerned about the fact she’s making the request sitting on a toilet with her pants around her ankles pinching a loaf, it’s nothing kinky, or maybe it [...]

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011

Gold Surprise

This starts off way on the wrong side of freaky, featuring as it does a man dressed in a gold zentai suit rubbing himself like a kinky C-3PO. Then off that comes only to reveal what Shrek might look like if he got into the 1970s New York gay scene. What’s even more upsetting is [...]

Wednesday, May 18th, 2011

Scary Insect Found In North America

Holy f#cking giant bitey insects Batman! We showed a video of this insect a while back from deep within in the Amazonian jungles of South America and prayed it would stay put! Then it turned up in India and now some chick has had an encounter with one in the USA and the damn thing [...]

Friday, May 6th, 2011

Weird Freaky Insect Found In India

It’s time to turn the WTF dial up to 11 and contact Mulder and Scully, because this sh#t just got REAL! After recent reports of a huge scary insect found living deep inside the Amazon rain forest it looks like another one has turned up in India. It clearly shows that Hoola (named after Scientist [...]

Sunday, May 1st, 2011

Huge Freaky Insect Discovered

Deep in the rain forests of the Amazon it looks like the horror of Starship Troopers has finally come true, there is some kind of large smart bug spreading infection amongst the local population and it aint pretty! Scientist Dr Javier Hoolavez has discovered an entirely new genus that has a very distinctive insect bite [...]

Tuesday, April 5th, 2011

Charlie Sheen: Unedited Edited Version

We all remember that interview where the crazy warlock ranted about his tiger blood and 7G rocks? Well, here’s the unedited version of it and Charlie is *ding* off the *ding* chain *ding*. Inside his house & inside his head, this was put together by the tiger-blooded winner himself for his “Violent Torpedo of Truth” [...]

Wednesday, March 30th, 2011

Super Slow-Motion Motion

Your first thoughts will be why are these mime artists moving so slowly, have they slipped through a temporal wormhole into another reality where time …ticks …really …slowly? But there’s reason behind their snail-like incremental movements—and it’s not just to freak stoners out. It’s so you get to watch the world whizzing past them, a [...]