If you want to know what taking 400ug of LSD looks like, but you don’t actually want to ingest 400ug of LSD then this video goes some way to replicating the visuals for you. It’s made by a guy who knows from experience what tripping your nuts off is like, and so he’s made various edits and distortions to replicate that experience for you squares who don’t want to turn on, tune in, and drop out.
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The roads of Hanoi are bustling with traffic, mostly scooters as riders make their way around the maze-like streets—but the person in this video is driving around them in a way that could only be described as insane. Recording their death-defying trip on a headcam the POV vid shows them zooming in and out of traffic like a crazed person.
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Electronic music duo Daft Punk are an eclectic pair and they also have a fairly eclectic bunch of inspirations. Everyone from Gary Numan to Tron, it’s not only music, but visual art and movies too. Many of them you wouldn’t necessarily immediately guess, that is until they become obvious when put side-by-side.
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Getting people to Mars is something you may have read briefly about online but you probably don’t know the nitty-gritty of how it’s going to work. Elon Musk’s Space X is one company that wants to get humans to the red planet and they want to do it in a cost effective way, bringing down the cost of space travel.
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If you ever wanted to stick it to those conspiracy nuts who upload videos to YouTube talking about how the dinosaurs never existed, then this video will satisfy you. It features paleontologist Trevor Valle on Joe Rogan’s radio show and it amounts to a 40 minute take down of those nutjobs.
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The Hitachi Magic Wand gets hacked in this video from YouTube channel AvE who makes it his job to tear down this, ahem, ‘massager’ and take a look at what makes it work. So in that regards it’s also a kind of review of the tool, although not in the sense of using it but just what makes it tick, as it were.
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Now this isn’t a story you expect to here from an A list celebrity, but then not every A list celebrity is Matthew McConaughey. While appearing on The Graham Norton Show McConaughey tells a brilliant story of how his dad won a bike for his brother in a pissing contest.
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The title of this isn’t just the sort of scenario that every warrior would wet their pants at the thought of seeing, but it’s the name of a 3D animated short film imagined in photorealistic style where Donnie Yen (Ip Man)fights an imaginary opponent, who just so happens to be the greatest martial artist whoever was: Bruce Lee (also Ip Man’s student). So sit back and watch the action unfold as two great fighters duke it out.
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Antonio Maria Da Silva (who’s behind those Hell’s Club mashups) pays homage to rain in the movies, because in the movies when it rains it pours. Downpours being far more cinematic than a few specks of rain, which don’t quite cut it in the dramatic stakes. So here we get rainy scenes taken from everything from The Matrix Revolutions to Point Break.
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Hey, it happens to everyone. Sometimes. So don’t take it too hard when you get turned down for sex. Some people, however, like the girl in this sketch, take it very personally when they get turned down by their boyfriends to make the beast with two backs. They take it as a personal slight, he just wants a cup of tea.
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In Japan there is a dying art known as amezaiku which is candy sculpting. This short doc follows 27-year-old Shinri Tezuka, one of the youngest people practicing it. Tezuka is completely self-taught and in the video talks about how he sculpts and paints lollipops into elaborate edible sculptures of goldfish, frogs and octopus.
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