No doubt you’ve got your own beefs with Facebook, whether it’s because of what people post or how Facebook decides what you see. YouTuber Tanktronic wanted to find out why the social media site had, for him, gone from vaguely interesting to very annoying, so he set about tracking and classifying his newsfeeds for one day.
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If you count yourself as a fan of The White Stripes’ music you’re probably slightly peeved that the duo—Jack White and Meg White—broke up the band back in 2011. Alas, there might not be any new music from them but that doesn’t mean to say people can’t cover their old material. Or if not people then… animals.
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Erik from ‘Internet Comment Etiquette with Erik’ takes a look over the types of nightmare fuel that can be easily accessed on YouTube. From phallic-nosed monsters to nests of spiders to firecracker accidents Erik bravely peruses it all and shows you the correct way to comment on such horrors too.
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Often when it comes to memorable moments in movies it’s the sad ones that stick out the most, the ones where ET says goodbye, the montage at the beginning of Up, or the end of the Iron Giant. YouTube channel Burger Fiction collate some of the most tearjerking in this melancholy supercut.
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There is not one thing it seems that Dan Bull isn’t telling to f*ck right off in his latest song which is appropriately titled ‘F*ck Everything’—in which he holds up cards stating just what it is he’s telling to eff-off in case the song wasn’t quite clear enough. Nothing is safe from his nihilism as he practically tells the entire planet and everything in it, including himself, to f*ck off.
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In this stop motion animated short by Meghann Artes a fuzzy bachelor is helped through his wake up routine by an army of robots. These mechanical assistants aide Steve in getting ready for the day, poking and prodding him, brushing his teeth, getting his shoes, even buckling his belt.
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Jenny Marbles mashes together some of the internet’s favorite things for a super-powered video. She takes ASMR, the whispered videos that attempt to produce a euphoric experience in the viewer, with Mukbang where someone films themselves eating large amounts of food, with unboxing and gaming. It’s all things to all internet.
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Taken from French electronic dance musician Vitalic’s seminal album Flashmob, the single Poison Lips is a banger of a track featuring splintered female vocals and thumping sub bass—if you’ve seen the movie Dredd then you’ll remember it from there. And the video is pretty awesome too, it features a Japanese girl smearing blood on various objects and some women smearing their lipstick in the same way too.
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We’ve seen all kinds of zombie movies, but this may be the first on that features scouts and strippers. It involves three scout buddies who are lifelong friends suddenly finding themselves in the middle of the zombie apocalpyse after visiting a strip club.
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In cinema it’s pretty much standard practice that characters in the movie say at some point in the film “welcome to…” and now the guys from YouTube channel Burger Fiction have made a supercut of when movies do just that. It features 70 films in just over four minutes and they verge from the sinister to the friendly.
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Rising to the challenge of a group of women who didn’t believe he can rap, this Uber driver lays down some freestyle rhymes to the beat of A Tribe Called Quest’s “Electric Relaxation.” Although he doesn’t normally rap for his passengers the women were curious after he told them about his music career.
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