Entries from April 2012

Tuesday, April 10th, 2012

Savages Trailer

It’s about time we had an Oliver Stone movie in the same vein as Natural Born Killers and this comes close. Taylor Kitsch & Aaron Johnson (”I’m Kick-Ass”) are two stoners who grow some weed and then find themselves facing off against a Mexican drug cartel who have kidnapped their girlfriend, which they share. Oo-er. [...]

Tuesday, April 10th, 2012

Zombie Ass: Toilet of the Dead

It’s true when they say 90% of all the worlds weird sh#t comes straight from the heart of Japan. Schoolgirls, tentacles and assorted oddities are just the way they roll. As far as Japan goes, this trailer is pretty vanilla. Sure, it’s the most danger movie about sewer dwelling derrière obsessed zombies, but that just [...]

Monday, April 9th, 2012

The Truth About Stanley

No home, no belongings, plenty of baggage. A short film about a man, his stories and the boy who listened, by award-winning director Lucy Tcherniak. The film tells the story of an unlikely friendship between an old Congolese man and a young runaway, living rough on the streets. The Truth About Stanley is a story [...]

Monday, April 9th, 2012

Pogo: Boo Bass

It’s time to think happy thoughts as you experience another hauntingly brilliant Disney Pixar mashup from that guy who brought you the equally amazing Upular. If you haven’t heard of Nick Bertke (AKA Pogo), you’re in for a treat. He’s the best there is at what he does and what he does is very nice.

Wednesday, April 4th, 2012

‘Ted’ – Restricted Trailer

Time to get surreal as Seth MacFarlane voices a teddy bear in this new film which tells the tale of one Mr. John Bennett (Mark Wahlberg), a fully grown human who must deal with his beloved teddy bear who, like Pinocchio, came to life as the result of a wish — and now the little [...]

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012

Just Peachy

If heaven is real then i’m hoping that there is someone like this, dressed like this, with music like this, in a bedroom like this, waiting for me…like this, ready to indulge my every whim and spend an eternity rolling around in slow-motion on a dreamy bed. If not i’ll settle for the lovely Candice [...]

Monday, April 2nd, 2012

Lindsay Lohan’s Changing Face – 25yrs in 60secs Morph

If you want to put kids off drugs and booze then show them videos of Hollywood stars who’ve dedicated their lives to these twin addictions and come back defeated. Ms Lohan was a beautiful starlet and now her face shows the ravages that too much good times can do to a girl. I still would [...]