Entries Tagged as 'creepy'

Monday, May 16th, 2011

Don’t Do It in the Park (Real Kick Out by a Psycho)

“Don’t Do It in the Park!” – God! It really pisses this guy off when people snowboard in this park in Reno. And he will get really angry and weird if you start messing up the landscaping by boarding in the park. And strangely enough, his dick takes a beating when you do it too, [...]

Friday, May 6th, 2011

Weird Freaky Insect Found In India

It’s time to turn the WTF dial up to 11 and contact Mulder and Scully, because this sh#t just got REAL! After recent reports of a huge scary insect found living deep inside the Amazon rain forest it looks like another one has turned up in India. It clearly shows that Hoola (named after Scientist [...]

Friday, May 6th, 2011

Facial Flex

Just be thankful you’re not this woman, flexing her mouth muscles using some weird contraption that no one should put within hundred metres of their entire being let alone their mouth. And to think this was being actively encouraged by the Looseleaf Beauty Report in the early 1990s. What sort of twisted cocktail of drugs [...]

Sunday, May 1st, 2011

Huge Freaky Insect Discovered

Deep in the rain forests of the Amazon it looks like the horror of Starship Troopers has finally come true, there is some kind of large smart bug spreading infection amongst the local population and it aint pretty! Scientist Dr Javier Hoolavez has discovered an entirely new genus that has a very distinctive insect bite [...]

Thursday, April 21st, 2011

Dead Alien Found in Siberia

Holy fucking hell, more evidence of extra-terrestrial beings out there watching us waiting to steal our eyes with weapons that look like eye drops then rape our souls. This one looks a little bit like a skinned chicken, not sure what we’re to make of that. Maybe the chickens are actually Martians and we’ve been [...]

Friday, April 15th, 2011

Mass UFO Sighting, We’re All Doomed

Happy Friday, make it a good one because the world’s about to get all Independence Day on our asses. First it’ll be the White House then Paris, then some hick in the middle of nowhere and then they’ll come for your children and your pets!! Or maybe they’re like the nice aliens from Close Encounters. [...]

Friday, April 15th, 2011

Slicing the Baby Cake. Nom.

Yeah, like this isn’t disturbing in anyway, shape, or form. Apart from the form of a human child. But who doesn’t like eating babies? M’mm they taste so delicious, you can’t blame these people for wanting to devour one. Oh, what, it’s only a cake? Ewww, in that case it’s disgusting, what kind of sick, [...]

Tuesday, April 12th, 2011

Lego City Zombie Defense

Even in the seemingly peaceful toy world of Lego City, there is no escape from the flesh-munching, brain-chomping, organ-grinding, skin-tearing zombie hordes. And these undead monsters even include a zombie Yoda. You just know the world has gone to shit when even the sage-like Yoda is one of the angry-eyed walking dead.

Tuesday, March 15th, 2011

Girl Prays to Cause Japanese Earthquake

As if the devastation befalling Japan isn’t heartwrenching and appalling enough, there’s always one sick, twisted individual looking for attention. And in this instance it’s this douche-faced girl, praying to an absent God for the death of 1000s of individuals. Or just trolling the world? Either way, just how is a person supposed to fap [...]

Monday, March 7th, 2011

Corporate Occult

This is a warning to anyone out there who is on the look-out for a one-night stand; you pick up what you think is a hot looking girl, get her back to yours, skip the pleasantries and get straight down to business. And then, suddenly, in the height of passion things get all freaky. And [...]

Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011

Art Film

We all love an art film, right? As long as they’re directed by Michael “Shit Just got Real” Bay. That man knows how to throw in some explosions and shiny fast cars. Now that’s what art is. Not some plotless piece of floating contemplation discussing the meta-meaning of something Plato farted out after too many [...]