He Said She Said – Unromantic Comedy


You never know what lies in store for you when you go out on a date. That person may seem perfectly normal, but just wait until you’re trapped alone with them for four hours at a restaurant. But there can also be some pleasure with the pain. And so it goes. Here, two women and their men recount the horrors and the thrills of the night before. Classic stuff.

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Try Not to Get Too Aroused


You’ll probably find this quite hard to fap to (unless you are a Dalek), but give it a go nonetheless. Because, you know, the world likes a trier after all, and if people doing strange dancing with crutches strapped to their heads in the name of art is your weird fetish thrill, then you’re in for a real treat.

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Nudity Probable


This is a story of two groins drawn to each other across the vastness of space-time, a magnetic pull exerting itself over one man and one woman. What does it mean? Is fate ordaining it? Are the gods willing these two to make the beast with two backs…?

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Shine On – Shining Mashup


John Lennon meets Jack Nicholson’s crazed writer in this mashup of the Kubrick horror classic and Lennon’s hit “Instant Karma”. The Overlook Hotel never looked so groovy, but you still wouldn’t want to go and stay there, for fear of dementia setting in and getting trapped inside an old photo.

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Eli Pariser: Beware online “filter bubbles”


Those godforsaken algorithms!! Narrowing our online searches so we get trapped in “filter bubbles” that are created as Facebook, Google and loads of other companies tailor the results to what they think you want to see. So everything becomes personalised and we all get trapped in our own reality tunnels. What to do? Smash the algorithms, start an uprising, stop Skynet?

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Experience Zero Gravity


Imagine gravity not getting you down? Imagine not having to walk around everywhere feeling the pull of this annoying force stopping you from flying off into space, to live the life of a travelling through space being that is your birth right. Well, these guys did more than imagine, they threw themselves off really high places and gave a big eff-you to the big G.

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World Championship Nose Cleansing?


There are a lot of world championships out there, but none can quite match the skill and dedication displayed by this bastions of Olympian ideals and sportsmanship. These guys are an inspiration to every human being alive, all those years spent inanely picking your nose while bored in class, for these guys it’s paid off. Humbling.

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Madeon – Pop Culture (Dance Video)


Epic-Epic-EPIC!!!! If this doesn’t put a smile on your face, then you must’ve lost your face in some horrific accident. Who doesn’t want to see a bald guy cut shapes across a city like he doesn’t give a goddamn. And there’s also a bit of romance in there too. It has everything you could possibly want from a YouTube vid. Except cats. And guns.

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Bruce Wayne/Batman Has a Conversation With Himself


When you’re a crime-fighting superhero who dresses up as a bat and goes about fighting escaped loons then having a conversation with yourself isn’t the craziest thing you’ll do all day. This is, as the YouTube descriptions states, is acting tour de force, a masterclass from Adam West. Behold!

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RC Helicopter Flight Test Gone Bad


Well, what could go bad you might ask yourself? Does the guy testing it get whacked in the face with the blades? Does it hit the other guy in the nuts and then fly into a passerby’s face? No, not exactly. Let’s just say Michael Bay’d be impressed by this little thing…

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Cardboard Warfare 2


As everyone knows, the first casualty of war is cardboard. Well, it is when it’s the main material used for all the artillery and guns in this second world war masterpiece. And this stuff’s surprisingly effective considering it’s just heavy paper. Injuring soldiers, setting them on fire, it’s chaos out there. Prepare yourself for internet awesomeness.

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