Samuel L. Jackson Answers the Most Searched Questions About Him


People at some point googled it and now Samuel L. Jackson is going to answer those search queries. They range from his place of birth to his first movie, to what part he plays in Inglourious Basterds. He’s due to appear in the upcoming Kong: Skull Island movie, so Wired sat him down to respond to the internet’s most searched questions about him.

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Surreal Remixes Turn Skiers’ Gurns and Laughter into Hilariously Daft ‘Slope Songs’


Your standard promotional ski video usually amounts to a professional skier gracefully showing off their effortless skill at winter sports. Carving up the slopes with their athleticism, you watch in awe (and jealousy) as they make a mockery of mere mortals’ skiing skills with their twists, jumps and daredevil speeds.

But that’s not how these two ski videos do things. Oh no. Instead these videos, made by content studio The Viral Factory, provide a much more amusing take.

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Steve Kardynal Conducts Lip Sync Conversations with Songs in Real-Life


Steve Kardynal has been away from YouTube for awhile, his videos pranking Chatrouletters and incorporating songs into real-life conversations were viral gold. Well now he’s back again using songs in real life, this time lip-syncing along in a conversation with his buddy, who lip syncs back any replies.

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Hunter S. Thompson Discusses Hell’s Angels and Outlaws in this Awesome Animation


As an outlaw himself, both in literary and lifestyle terms, writer Hunter S. Thompson is in a fine position to discuss the outlaw life. In this interview from 1967 with Studs Terkel Thompson talks about his time spent with one of the most notorious outlaw groups in America, the Hell’s Angels.

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Video Looks at the Reasons Why We Should Remember Death


Just because death isn’t always the cheeriest of subjects doesn’t mean to say we should shun it away and forget about it. It isn’t necessarily healthy for us to never discuss it or think about it, even though in Western society it’s not something we mention to friends or even family. But maybe it’s time to reevaluate this approach.

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Meet Oscar The Modular Body Who Looks like Raw Chicken Come to Life


The Modular Body is the work of Dutch filmmaker and artist Floris Kaayk. In the video above we’re shown what looks like skinless fleshy body parts that can be put together in a modular fashion and then starts to move. It’s actually just one of over 50 interconnected videos which make up an online sci-fi storytelling project.

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Slo Mo Symphony is an Amusing Tribute to Slo Mo Fails


Watching people get slapped in the face by a huge fish or fall off their bicycle or faceplant onto the ground is all very amusing, but it’s extra amusing if that footage is slowed down. Add some classical music over the top too and you have yourself something that’s verging on the cinematic.

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Inside Japan’s Tricked-Out DIY Disco Truck Culture


Driving down a highway in Japan can be an intriguing experience, especially if you came across the tricked-out vehicles from their DIY truck culture. The subculture is called dekotora and it’s where long-haul drivers add custom graphics, lights and swag to their vehicles on an insane level. And it’s not cheap, some dekotora customizations cost up to $100,000.

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Girl Leaves Voicemail After a Breakup Where She Cries like a Supercar


Breaking up with someone is never easy, it’s never painless and often one party will call the other and try to reconcile and make up, because surely it must’ve all been some kind of mistake. Which is exactly what this girl attempts to do to her ex-boyfriend, and she’s also clearly upset while she’s doing it.

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Hilarious Sketch Acts Out A Video Conference Call in Real Life


Video conferencing is about as enjoyable as it is successful—anytime you and your coworkers have to partake in one you just know it’s going to be full of frustrations and annoyances. Acting those out perfectly, and upping the cringe factor by doing it in real life, is comedy duo Tripp and Tyler, in this amusing sketch.

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My Strange Addiction Parody: This Poor Guy is Addicted to Saying ‘YAAAAASS’


There are many things the human mind and body can get addicted to, but perhaps the most annoying, for both the addicted person and anyone within earshot, is an addication to saying “YAAAAASS!” That’s what’s happened to poor Michael Rizzi, who one day was laughing at other people saying it on Tumblr, the next found himself using it non-stop.

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